Russia has just doubled the share of gold and Yuan in their wealth fund. This is a groundbreaking move that signals their commitment to de-dollarization and moving away from the Western financial system. This is only the beginning and sets up a blueprint that many other countries could follow. In 2023, the future of gold is looking real bright while the dollar’s fate is getting rather grim. Here’s what you must know!

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    ✅ Timestamps & Chapters:
    0:00 Russia Is Dumping All Western Assets
    1:18 Doubling Down On Gold & Yuan
    3:07 No Trust Left In The West
    5:46 Russia’s Setting Up The PetroYuan
    7:20 A Global Dollar Run
    10:32 Stronger Gold Prices In 2023?

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    1. US with over 9000 sanctions on the world since 2019, and adding almost 1000 sanctions a year, sitting around 12,000 – 15,000 sanctions currently. Then wondering why many countries are turning their back. Russia & China and many others should work together to build a network where supply chain isn't that easily disrupted as US will try to disrupt everything in the gain to stay on top.

    2. I know enough to know that this war with, against, Russia hasn't anything (very little at least) with Ukraine proper, that's just a pretense, this? This is about ECONOMICS, in particular The Dollar! To conquer Russia gives THEY vast wealth and riches, cements, CEMENTS, there position as in UNTOUCHABLE! If THEY get Russia then NO ONE can naysay them, PERIOD! Of course that's assuming Russia isn't a captured operation and in truth I have my doubts about that, maybe it's just competing factions within The New World Order!

    3. The recent virtual meeting between Xi and Putin very very cozy yeah…and the invitation to visit Moscow this year i think that's the announcement for something BIG… thanks Sean for the update and Happy New Year👍🙏🎉

    4. Russia is going to break away, whether the U.S. and the West likes it or not. It's not like they have a choice when the Western world and their allies just locked the Russians out of the global financial system. I see a fair chance that the Russians will succeed in decoupling.

    5. china has already supplanted the US as the #1 trading partner with most major countries around the world. and this share will increase in 2023 and beyond. and the transactions will almost all shift to RMB. ditto for russia. all countries will follow china and russia's lead to dump the USD because everyone knows it will implode at some point and no one wants to be left holding the bag when it does. once america loses it's ability to print money off of the global circulation of USD, the entire western economic and financial system will collapse (with astronomical amounts of leverage built up via decades of moneyprinting and financialization). may happen between 2025 – 2030. it will be spectacular – like a supernova – enjoy!

    6. America ( W.E.F ) or plutocracy regime in disguise is trying to control, contain and turn the world into ' M.ATRI.X fake World ' will collapse indiscriminately……. It's e-vil

    7. The Gorilla in the Game is OPEC.. If something breaks USA n OPEC more n more, they go with Yuan.. HOWEVER, I think OPEC will play both currencies against each other.. It is un-likely USA n China will be buddies, so OPEC an use the other currencies to punish the other, if they dis-pleases them.. But OPEC has to rise up Yuan close to the USD or bring down USD to Yuan level.. Gold don't really work, history tells you exactly what always happen. The nation with gold, prints too much notes, when other want to cash to gold, not enough gold.. Always happens..

    8. Some nations want China Yuan to go up, they want competition to USD.. More n more nations don't trust the West, that is the problem.. Not necessary just money, it's who you have fate in..

    9. Russia and China are a match made in heaven.
      Russia with its huge oil and mining reserves plus agricultural produce will naturally fulfil much of the consumption needs of China.
      China with its industrial and manufacturing capabilities, will naturally fill the void brought about by western sanctions, when their companies pull out of Russia.
      Thus, it is a complementary relationship that will reach strategic proportions and benefit both nations.
      It is therefore consequential that both countries are willing to trade with each other using gold or RMB/Rouble.
      Under overwhelming circumstances, Russia now has no choice but to pursue an all-out de-westernisation exercise to save its economy and sovereignty. It sees China as the bedrock fundamental to the success of its strategy.
      China, on the other hand, is also wary of the American-led hostility toward anything coming out of China.
      Hence, a strategic alliance with the enemy of the enemy is a calculated bet for its long term viability.

    10. America holds most of world gold. What if they decide to flood markets with gold and release it on markets. It would be more efficient than nuclear weapons.

    11. Let's be careful here. This is all the more reason why US would do everything to destabilise Russia. I won't rule out US using NATO to attack Russia

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