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    I have impersonators all over social media pretending to be me, so they can get something they want from you whether thats your phone number for SIM Swaps, BTC or ETH for project reviews they cant offer or whatever. If I’m reaching out to you anywhere on the web, chances are HIGH that it’s not really me unless I live video verify via Zoom. I’ll say your name live, maybe even sing a song.

    Overall, I’m just here sharing what I learn, whether it be a cool crypto trading or crypto metrics tools and websites or just my latest understanding of something new, or old.

    Crow Your Coins


    1. Crow the number of nodes isn't accurate, majority of them are affirming transactions in a pool they don't control, but the published figures lump them all together

    2. Another great video Brother I know you said you don’t chat and i don’t blame you lol but I need help understanding how to stake to crow node and how to pull it off so i can sell it in the future. I’m trying to learn how to do that but losing my ADA petrifies me because of my not understanding how to do it. Can you point me in the direction to learn how to do that? TIA Crow I appreciate any advice

    3. I'm one minute into this and I can almost guarantee you will talk about hydra. I don't think you understand about input endorsers. I might be wrong I will keep watching.

    4. I won't lie, Staking on Cardano is nicer due to no slashing. But ETH can fix that! Its software after all.
      Beside that Cardano is far far behind on everything else. Charles lies quiet allot. On scaling Cardano has nothing ready. ETH has tons of L2 which is the same Charles is talking about on Cardano.
      Not to mention number of devs and TVL on ETH is just way way more.

    5. Man I would LOVE to be a SPO but damn I don’t know how to set up a node, looked up and researched how and it just seems like a high barrier of entry for me (from a technical standpoint). Not to mention, i don’t have an enormous amount of ada to pledge nor do I have a social following to rally people to my would-be pool. I just wish there was a more straight forward, turn-key method. Hopefully there will be one in the near future. I currently stake my ada in a SP and I mostly hold ada more than anything else.

    6. Thanks for reminding people getting interested in the crypto space not to invest more than you can afford to lose. Yes, could go very high. But individual cryptos can, and many will, go to crap. Study the actual projects.

    7. Hey Crow, Question for you. I staked ADA in the Deadulus Wallet a couple years ago. About a year ago my laptop was unable to keep up with the updates and would not open for me. Is that ADA still staking? Please advise.

    8. Mrs Sofia is the best, recommending her to all beginners who wants to recover from their losses and gain more like I did through her strategies

    9. Node numbers are not counted the same as Cardano. If you spin up a node with 64 eth they gonna count it as 2 nodes with 32eth… The actual number nodes is much lower than Cardano and is basicaly controlled by couple entities like LIDO, Coinbase and Kraken holding more than half of total stake.

    10. I hope 2023 is the year of cardano, I'm holding a ton of it. However I don't see it decoupling from btc and showing explosive growth without the rest of the market doing the same.

    11. I don’t stake because I live in the US and am terrified of the tax implications. No idea how to handle it and all anyone can ever say is “find a good accountant”. How tf do you just find a good accountant lol. Poors like me don’t speak in the language of luxury. I’ll buy hold and sell when I’m up. That’s all I feel I can do without somehow messing up and getting in trouble.

    12. Ethereum's PoS protocol is awful.
      I don't have enough ETH to stake it, but even if I did I wouldn't.

      1) Giving up custody of my tokens in a deal breaker
      2) Slashing is a deal breaker
      3) Having my tokens locked in a stake pool is a deal breaker.

      Oh, and I make a million dollars every five minutes by following the expert trading strategies of Wannabe Bigshot.

    13. I believe that the inflation is already priced in crypto market since the end of last year. These manipulative rats are always 2 steps ahead of everybody because they are market makers. I hope I’m wrong and they won’t keep dumping it on retail investors as always. Those who hold the longest will profit the most, I trade and hold profits keep up the great work! and also Sharon Rooker has been doing a great job reviewing all chart, trade and techniques on BTC which has enhance the growth of my portfolio to 17btc lately>.

    14. Great video man! I am looking forward to more cardano content. I am also a huge believer in the project but don’t know about a lot of the layer 2 projects. I work full time right now and don’t have as much time to do the research I used to so I greatly appreciate your content on cardano. If you ever want to collaborate over zoom just let me know. I’d love to pick your brain and who know it could turn into a video for your channel. I’ve been known to ask really good question. Let me know happy new year.
      – Jimmy G

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