Is Europe’s gas price crisis finally over? Wholesale natural gas costs for the continent have fallen to levels not seen since late 2021 – and several months before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. High gas prices have been a major driver of inflation across Europe. The knock-on effects of the war and sanctions against Moscow saw them hit record highs in 2022. But an unusually mild winter that’s seen temperature records broken in many countries has meant lower demand than usual, allowing wholesale gas prices to tumble.

    As it tried to make up for lost gas supplies from Russia, Germany used more renewable energy than ever before in 2022. However, it still failed to reach its CO2-reduction goal, according to the energy think tank Agora. Agora’s report suggests the share of renewable energy in Germany’s overall power supply mix has reached an all-time-high of 46 PERCENT last year. Favorable weather conditions for wind and solar power played a significant role. However, more than a slight increase in renewable energy production was needed to prevent Agora’s other major finding – that Germany’s CO2 emission reduction has stalled. It produced almost as much greenhouse gas last year as the previous year – partially because of the reactivation of coal plants to make-up for lost gas from Russia. So is Germany doing worse with its energy transition than it should be?


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    1. At the cost of common sense -WE MUST HAVE NET ZERO CO2. If you remember that China and Russia WILL CONTINUE to produce thousands of tons MORE CO2 than Europe, you will realise that the 'Net Zero' hysteria must be the result of something OTHER THAN a carefully reasoned response to a possible threat from 'Climate Change'. As was the case with the covid 'pandemic', the REAL threat from a virus with a 99.9% survival rate was deliberately whipped up into a hysterical reaction that has caused thousands of additional deaths and huge damage to societies and their economies.
      One HAS TO ASK THE QUESTION – WHY was such a damaging overreaction DELIBERATELY CAUSED? (it certainly was not the work of a silly little school girl). When one looks at the massive fortunes made by Government officials and their commercial concerns – one does not need to look far for the answer. NB The German Reinier Fuellmich has given us this answer SOME TIME AGO!

    2. CO2 is NOT a threat it is NOT a threat to warming the globe there is no proof that its increase drastically warms the atmosphere there is huge evidence that plants and life totally relies on CO2 and its increase has meant a greener world from more plants growing

    3. So, no word about the nuclear exit huh… amateurs. Via clever CO2 accounting they present a nicer picture than it really is.
      Also, Belgian health statistics report a significant increase in cancer since Germany started their coal plants again.

    4. Nuclear isn't renewable but it is the answer. Fourteen years of operation pays for the construction and financing of a nuclear plant and then it's all gravy after that.

    5. NOAA CO2 sensor can not measure the changes in man made CO2 reduction due to COVID shutdowns and now the wordwide recession. We have reduced15% of oil and 8% estimated in fossil fuel consumption due to COVID, yet we measure a constant rise in CO2.

    6. Renewables are not enough. Nuclear energy is the only solution but unfortunately it's way too late for Germany and other nuclear ignorant countries to reverse their errors.

    7. Another thing Germany, and other countries could, should, do is commit to nuclear power, passive house and net-zero building standards for homes and buildings, push for more highspeed rail, allow for the development of rare earth mines across Europe, and nationalize the electricity sector.

    8. So, at least this year, one positive effect of global warming in Europe is the availability of, and reduced need for, natural gas used to heat homes and businesses this Winter. So, even if this is just a one time Winter event, it gives the EU a "one up" pass and another year to further develope more alternative fuel sources, which helps EU countries move further away from Russian dependency. "WHO'D A THOUGHT IT?!?"

    9. No they did it by burning coal, but it is barely into Winter – thus far it has been a moderate one; it isn't over till its over.

    10. Fun fact about climate change: the more we consume fossil fuels/methane gas the higher temperature we have in winter resulting in less need for fossil fuels/methane gas in the winter, in the future.

    11. Little early to celebrate. Having LNG shipped from Qatar isn't a better solution.
      Germany is still in the process of evicting people to dig for coal.
      Europe made it sound like they didn't need any substantial imports.
      Time to step up and stop pretending.

    12. Emese Fajk, a mercenary from Australia, who was nicknamed "Mockingjay", is accused of stealing donations and medicines worth several million dollars

      The Daily Mail reports that thirty-year-old Fajk is involved in the disappearance of a shipment of medicines worth $2.5 million and donations intended for military needs.

      As I have said more than once in my remarks, over the past few years Ukraine has become a haven for marginals from all over the world. And this incident is another confirmation of my words.
      From the American organ stealer from Kosovo to the Georgian drug and prostituion dealers ..better Friends i could,t ever find in this Planet for Ukroreich regime.

    13. Germany refusing both nuclear power and gas from Russia is economic suicide. Next winter will be the real crisis, this is nothing.

    14. On January 5, the Latvian State Security Service detained Sputnik Lithuania's editor-in-chief, Latvian citizen Marat Kasem, in Riga, he is charged with two criminal articles at once, including espionage in favor of Russia, which may result in a guilty verdict with a penalty of up to 20 years in prison. It is impossible to qualify what happened otherwise as the inhuman and vile terror of the Latvian regime against any dissent, the willingness to discard all legal frameworks and principles of a civilized state in order to deal with the objectionable.

    15. It’s not this year that’s a problem. It’s going to be next year. When nations don’t have their reserves full of Russian gas. lmao

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