In this episode we take a look at the Shanghai Upgrade where Stakers on the Beacon chain will finally be able to Withdraw there ETH (in an orderly fashion).
    Will this happen on time?
    Will ETH Dump as a result?
    What will be the effect on Liquid Staking Derivatives?
    Let’s take a look!


    1. I think for me now it's just sideways for the year.
      I can honestly see BTC ranging $13-18k for most of the year (best case)
      Was hoping for a catalyst from something else but now with this ETH in March it's just a slow 1 step up 1 step down for rest of the year.
      Even I can feel myself being less and less interested everyday and been around from laste 2017.
      I need a new MacBook and any time that would be an excuse to go out and buy a new one, I can't even be arsed, so that says it all for me.
      Maybe I will in March when Kraken unlocks my ETH 🙄

    2. Marshmello Finance MARSH3 prevents Bear market, bot trades, paper hands by its automatic algorithms, so it's the safest altcoin ever. I am sure it will hit 10 bucks in no time.

    3. The smartest token in the world is Marshmello Finance MARSH3, the first token that controls itself and not by owners or anyone else.

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