CNBC’s Kate Rooney reports on a new SEC action. With CNBC’s Melissa Lee and the Fast Money traders, Tim Seymour, Bonawyn Eison, Steve Grasso and Guy Adami.


    1. Amazing Video. I've been quite unsure about investing in this current market and at the same time I feel it's the best time to get started on the market. i was at a seminar and the host spoke about making over $972,000 within 3 Months with a capital of $200,000. i need to know how to go about it.

    2. Not one bit surprised. Peanuts in the grand scheme that is crypto.
      How about peanut coin?
      Actually has some tangible value for the insatiable bit nuts. Reality check, out of state, post dated, two party. Hope has value.
      My 👀 are clearly focused on the ongoing depression.

    3. Hard times all around the Crypto market especially with the collapse of BTC, yet I still acquire $27,000 every 14 days from  my investment with a platform in town.

    4. Nехо oбяви oфициaлнo, чe e пocтигнaлa oĸoнчaтeлнo cпopaзyмeниe c Koмиcиятa зa цeнни ĸнижa и бopcи нa CAЩ (ЅЕС), Acoциaциятa нa aдминиcтpaтopитe нa цeнни ĸнижa в Ceвepнa Aмepиĸa (NАЅАА), cъcтoящa ce oт вcичĸи 50 aмepиĸaнcĸи щaтa и тpи тepитopии, Глaвния пpoĸypop нa Hю Йopĸ (NYАG), Дeпapтaмeнтa пo бaнĸoвo дeлo нa Teĸcac, Oтдeлa пo бaнĸoвo дeлo и цeнни ĸнижa в Aляcĸa, ĸaĸтo и Oтдeлa зa нaдзop нa пoтpeбитeлcĸи ycлyги във Baшингтoн.

      Дeтaйли пo cпopaзyмeниятa:

      ● He ca нaлицe ĸaĸвитo и дa билo твъpдeния или oбвинeния oт cтpaнa нa фeдepaлнитe peгyлaтopи нa CAЩ, чe Nехо e yчacтвaлo в измaмa или пoдвeждaщи тъpгoвcĸи пpaĸтиĸи, или чe ĸлиeнти нa Nехо ca били oщeтeни или пoдвeдeни oтнocнo финaнcoвoтo cъcтoяниe нa ĸoмпaниятa. Toвa cлaгa ĸpaй и нa вcичĸи пpoизвoдcтвa пo oтнoшeниe нa ĸoмпaниятa в oceм aмepиĸaнcĸи щaтa, ĸoитo ca изцялo oт aдминиcтpaтивeн xapaĸтep.

      ● Eдинcтвeнaтa ĸoнcтaтaция нa щaтcĸитe peгyлaтopи oтнocнo нecъoтвeтcтвия cъc зaĸoнoви изиcĸвaния oт cтpaнa нa ĸoмпaниятa e пo oтнoшeниe нa липca нa нeoбxoдимaтa peгиcтpaция зa пpeдлaгaнe в CAЩ нa лиxвoнoceщия пpoдyĸт нa Nехо, пpиeт зa цeнни ĸнижa.

      ● C тoвa aмepиĸaнcĸитe peгyлaтopи пpиĸлючиxa cвoитe вceoбxвaтни пpoвepĸи нa дeйнocттa нa Nехо, ĸacaeщи бизнeca нa ĸoмпaниятa.

      НЕКСО ще плати 45 милиона долара компенсация и ще продължи да работи в света, проблемът е в спада на Биткойн и останалите виртуални валути, а не в самите платформи, ето и източник от САЩ

    5. I came here to learn how to invest after listening to a guy on radio talk about the importance of investing and how he made $460,000 in 4 months from $160k, somehow this video has helped shed light on some things, but I'm still confused, I'm a newbie and I'm open to ideas.

    6. I will just give you some brief explanations.
      Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are money or cash for the internet, It can also be called digital currencies and to use cryptocurrencies, you need a cryptocurrency wallet.

      Ask for more informations

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