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    1. How can I get more profitable investment in the market? Is this pump shorts getting wrecked and liquidated, or any indication of whale, corporate treasury buys?

    2. Learned this lesson when I discovered, in the UK, you can't have a mining share certificate in your name.
      Sold everything and bought BTC.
      When tshtf I'm certain governments will boot overseas shareholders out.

    3. Very good points to take in consideration, in my country (Panama), the government want to freeze the operations of Cobre Panama the biggest mining company in Panama.
      Our government obviously just want to increase the taxes but they are just disrupting the free markets, beware of the risks my fellow investors.

    4. Its like we go from 1 Ponzi Scheme (the USD lol) to another tbh . Yet another train wreck , i'll just stick to buying the actual end product and hold physical Gold/Silver .

    5. Mining stocks go down more in a bear market for the metals, but up more than metals when metals are in a bull market, so averaged out over long periods it is best to just sit in metals themselvbes. However, if onf is confident the metals are beginning a bull market, and a bull ensues, the miners pay off way harder than the metals. Just look at 2016, silver doubled while the SILJ etf quadrupled! So there are times when miners far outperform the metals, and we might be entering another one right now.

    6. Amen to this video! I've got 90% in metals 5% in cash and the remainder which is locked up retirement funds in speculative copper, gold and silver miners. Barrick and FVI have performed quite well for me, the rest are down 10-25%, but are my lightest weightings. I traded heavy into Barrick during their recent 8% fall in one day a few months ago, up about 40% just from some simple swing trades between gold and silver miners. Volatility has been nice for that, not so much from a holding perspective.

    7. Well, duh… that is why a FUND is a losing prop, Mike. Take FNV… you could have bought Franco Nevada in 2018 (pretty much the whole year) for between $61 and $75, Mostly in the 60s though. This royalty company is trading at over $148 today, January 24, 2023. This EXCLUDES dividends. Your gold pays what in dividends? Hint: NOTHING. Don't listen to this crank, kids. Own physical. Own major miners like BHP (but keep away from Glencore. The Panama Papers show that co. is a tax cheat). Own royalty companies. Just remember Mike isn't a stockbroker. He sells precious metals. You think Dracula would recommend wooden stakes??? Diversify. Forget explorers. PROTECT YOUR WEALTH!

    8. Some truth to this video but my gold / silver portfolio is up 15 percent since Nov. 2022. It just depends on which miners you choose to invest in. Mike knows some things but not everything. Nobody does

    9. Wise words, Mike. There is much to what you’ve said. I would add, though, that probably a good many investors don’t do enough due diligence when selecting stocks, whether mining or otherwise. Geo-political risk requires discipline so that even if there’s just a sniff of risk, you have to walk away. There is still opportunity for mining stocks, but definitely not etf’s.

    10. Gold and silver miners will also sometimes dilute shareholders. The CEO of Sandstorm diluted shareholders after years of saying he never would. I was holding a lot of Sandstorm shares at the time and decided then that I will never hold miners long term again. Physical metals and short term plays. That's it. Don't trust any CEO. Be the CEO of your own stack.

    11. That’s why you TRADE them…unlike physical silver and gold. Miners are speculative. Don’t put a high percentage of your portfolio in them! But in this precious metals bull market cycle the leverage opportunity is massive! 👌🏼

    12. This seems a little bit off, why would you not invest in miners positioned in less risky countries when you fundamentally believe that the Gold and Silver they are pulling out of the ground is going to skyrocket in value. Miners suffer because of suppressed prices.

    13. I sold my entire bitcoin holding at about 2/3rds of the ATH, and moved it all into gold and silver. Don't regret that move for a minute.

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