Central banks are rushing for gold and this will not stop in 2023! Because of the geopolitical chaos in the world today, countries are not just afraid of inflation, they are terrified of sanctions. Even the IMF has admitted that sanctions from the West are driving record gold buying. Here’s what you must know about this gold rush and why banks are stockpiling more even though prices are soaring!

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    ✅ Timestamps & Chapters:
    0:00 The World Is Rushing For Gold!
    2:44 Inflation Is The Enemy
    5:24 Big Producers Are Also Buying
    7:24 The Global South & Gold
    9:30 Chaos Is Escalating!
    12:02 A Changing Financial Order

    Subscribe to my channel where we dive deeper into the world of gold, silver & investing:
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    Helpful videos for gold investing:
    – Start With Silver Or Go Straight For Gold?: https://youtu.be/rDy3xOuC0j8
    – How Much Gold To Own: https://youtu.be/pnildJSdmnY
    – How High Can Gold Prices Go: https://youtu.be/aaHTVACqGYg

    Learn how to buy physical gold:
    👑 https://bit.ly/3D76Lqn

    Here’s how to buy physical silver:
    🪙 https://bit.ly/3rlsXJ3

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    1. The West is currently engaged with an adversary whom will ultimately prevail in the Donbas and Crimea, securing the Black Sea; however, conflict with China can be avoided with prudence. The dollar ostensibly shifted to hypothecate petroleum gold oil, its reserve the richest on earth with intrinsic value accorded Occidental democracy. At present, the United States is beset philosophic flux reaching across political aisle to touch the highest levels of government. President Biden, an innate weakling will face criminal inquest and Vice President Harris, equally incompetent may assume the presidency. The next two years will prove difficult but essentially tyranny is all too alive and well and nuclear armed.

    2. Obviously, you can't run an economy just with gold as it has very limited practical value. But you can't run a functional economy for long just with little pieces of paper with ink printed on them either.
      Gold is just a more traditional store of value when people start getting suspicious of those little pieces of paper you're printing by the trillions. 🤔😉

    3. why be beholden to a currency like gold or "BRICS" that are controlled by dictaorships who don't believe in freedom of thought and agency for its people? I guess when migration goes to those countries, i will change my mind. They can fall in love with gold at their own discretion, but just because you pour syrup on it, don't make it pancakes. Who is to say platinum, or a rare element needed for clean energy shouldn't be a metal to base currency off of. And why does it need to be a metal?

    4. Over the past few years, certain US states have built state Gold depositories. Where are these states getting the Gold for these depositories?

    5. The great moral question is, do the collective West have anything to offer the world besides Hegemony? The paper Gold market is over.

    6. Buying gold is not a power play it is survival mode for China. The USA/USD is in the position of power as the worlds reserve currency and they are squeezing China financially like a snake squeezes a rat. Happy New Year!

    7. Once inflation takes off in the United States the repricussions will be GLOBAL and the FED has been playing footsy with Rates.. the fact is once Inflation digs in to any economy or currency it will TEAR INTO IT LIKE AN UNSTOPABLE METEORITE HITTING EARTH KILLING EVERYTHING IN THE WAKE.. that is why the SMART people are going into COMODITIES like Gold, Oil, Gas, .. at that point the Interest Rates will be IRRELEVANT.

    8. Trust me you will sleep much better at night, snug under your Golden security blanket. That’s because physical gold has zero counter-party risk, is an inflation hedge, diversification asset, and insurance policy in this crazy world of wars, economic uncertainties and collapsing fiat systems. So do what the wealthy elites, central & big banks are doing right now to protect themselves. Follow the money

    9. The recent Federal Reserve meeting has been viewed as a positive step forward for the cryptocurrency industry. The meeting saw the Fed commit to continuing its quantitative easing policy and creating new digital assets, both of which could have a significant impact on the rise of cryptocurrency. The quantitative easing policy is intended to increase the supply of US dollars while keeping the economy stable. This indicates that the US government is taking a proactive approach to the growth of the crypto industry. The Fed's remarks have instilled new levels of confidence in the industry, resulting in increased demand for cryptocurrencies and market buoyancy. As a result, now is an excellent time to start trading and building your portfolio in order to start accumulating even more. Linda Wilburn does an excellent job of staying ahead of the market; in three weeks of trading with her strategy, I have amassed 31btc. She is without a doubt one of the best out there.

    10. It is as you said for Turkey, the Central Bank and people will be buying gold, because it is part of the culture. But elsewhere, the Central Banks not tied to the dollar, are going to buy, while reducing their dollar reserves, to protect themselves from Sanctions. However, as has been shown from the Russian experience with sanctions, the Wealthy are not safe from their foreign assets being frozen or stolen during sanctions. They will be moving their assets away from the Collective West, while turning much into transportable resources like Gold. Thus depriving the West of their investments.

      I would if I were able to turn to commodity exchange, and off shore it. But I'm just a 75 yr old pensioner, with decreasing time left. I have a few stocks with tech companies that I believe will be the wave of the future. How this economic crunch will affect them I don't know. They will hopefully survive, and grow later. Post crash. It's a gamble, but not something I need to worry or lose sleep over. Surviving inflation is. That's why I watch geopolitics closely.
      Thank you Sean, stay safe…

    11. But there’s often key miss in these reports. (To your credit, Sean, you do quote a partial list that is a snapshot in time. Take a look at a list over the last 5 years that gives the top 20 Central Bank buyers. Sometimes, when you read these articles you might think that the US, or Australia, or Canada, or England or France etc are also just buying tons of gold. That’s not the case. They buy increasing levels of US Treasuries in lieu of gold. MSM is not reporting the massive gold buying because who is buying or rather which CBs are buying. It’s the whole current (and future) BRICS alliance, as you correctly note, that is buying because they are moving to a Gold/Oil backed currency. If you want into BRICS, you are going to have to have Gold or Oil. The US actually does not want its alliance of Western nations buying gold. They want the USD to remain central and remain totally fiat and not pegged to anything. (Canada CB has sold 100% it gold and totally tied itself to the USD. The Americans love that, and wish all Western nations would follow.) Also, for a developing country, how disconnected is inflation from the USD—especially USD denominated debt. Inflation concerns are USD concerns, in part. I will ask the unthinkable: once the BRICS alt-currency goes live half the world will not be buying US bonds, and they might think twice about paying any US debt, if they are comfortable with a very hard de-coupling. Indeed, parts of the world will cash out of US Treasuries prior to going live.

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