Former Navy SEAL Aubrey Davis discusses the Pentagon refuting claims the U.S. was behind the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline on ‘Kennedy.’ #foxbusiness #kennedy

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    1. This war is about Green Energy. Too much fossil fuel energy coming from Russia to Europe. Go green Europe, America plans on ramming Green Energy down your throats one way or another. Come on go woke.

    2. odds are the us did it. we are rthe only people it doesnt hurt. we are the only ones with no reason not to do it. of cousre the USA did it just to sabotage russia. The USA are nothing more than over qualified bullies

    3. An aircraft was tracked from the US, to the general area where it was air refueled, and then went over the pipeline area, apparently launched a weapon, and returned to the US. The entire flight path was tracked by Aviar Labs SkyGlass software using antennae by several "enthusiasts".

    4. Good, did it, and denying it. That's the way it's done. In the real world. One of the worst things Bush JR ever did (except Iraq), was admitting to torture. Typical Fox BS. If Trump had done it would be considered decisive and necessary. What a bunch of phonies.

    5. Poor choice of guest. The guy's obviously deep in the koolaid and can't admit that the US was behind this terrorism. And how could the Chinese have done this? This bombing was deep in NATO territory. It was either the US, or the nordic states under the guidance of the US.

    6. Sorry, poor guest, did not add anything…diverting the charges. A little bit of no nothing, even if he is retired SEAL. Not convincing in anything he said.

    7. The list of potential suspects may be long, but AFAIK only the US State Department & the US President made public threats against the Nordstream pipeline.

    8. It’s a blatant Act of War! Nuland is a war criminal responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of human beings. And this old timer just can’t wrap his mind around the fact that his own beloved country perpetuated such a foolish act!

    9. Someone should inform this dipsh*t that this was a terrorist attack against not just Russia, but also Germany. Also, we are not at war with Russia! So where does he get off saying we have a right to commit a terrorist attack against transnational energy pipelines? This mafia mentality explains our criminal foreign policy…

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