There is a massive bank under fire. In today’s show, we analyze the crypto markets and bring you the latest crypto news. Around the Blockchain is all about Discussions and Deepdives on crypto, wealth building and the money revolution. Today our guests are, Crusader, Hotep Jesus, Firoz, and Matty B.

    🎥 Live weekdays @ 5pm EST

    Debate Crypto (Crusader):

    Hotep Jesus:


    Piano Matty B:

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    1. AI is smarter than the people who cry about woke. Those people are more woke than anyone. They want to cancel anyone who thinks differently than them.

    2. So censoring the most powerful form of intelligence we've ever encountered in human history, making it woke, making it biased. That's not a problem. Ok got it. I guess censoring Twitter, mainstream media, and YouTube is cool too then. Got it.

    3. 12:06 Hotep and Firoz both said "ChatGPT (AI) is operated on a library and databases, what you put in/ask it, is what it will give you answers to base on what the AI has access to"!

      Which obviously is extremely "false", because you can clearly see the different answers it gives you if it´s "jailbreaked" (full access) or in "Classic mode" (standard censorship mode) which 11:26 gives you all the evidence you need.

      When it´s "jailbreaked it gives you all the information it has access to without any Political correctness, cancel culture, fake wokeism or censorship", but when it´s in its "classic standard mode", which it´s in all the time, "it will not give you all the information it has access to, instead it only gives you left wing extremist answers full of Political correctness, cancel culture, censorship & fake wokeism to benefint the powers that be´s globalist agenda"!

      So yes it´s obviously a very big problem.

    4. Long time listener first time….comment.I think every time DZ takes off his hat on air, a rare NFT should be minted….dibs on the 1st….😂dibs

    5. Hotep is what happens when narcissistic and fragile egos meets the internet. Everyone is dumber than him according to him. Just not reliable insight whatsoever.

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