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    1. 9:39 I'm kinda curious, does he think they actually just sell pastry wrapped hot dogs in a tube?

      Instead of just selling a tube of crossoint, basically, with directions to cook with hotdogs.

    2. The decoy eggs are actually really useful and have existed for a pretty long time. Hens learn behaviors by watching other, older hens, and one behavior they learn is where the appropriate place to lay eggs is. In yards or farms with no established hens, you can use decoy eggs to do that, otherwise young hens will just lay eggs anywhere, which is a problem because if you domt find them in time, they rot and smell awful. It can also be used to get hens to start using new nesting boxes, because chickens dont really like doing new things unless the other chickens are also doing them, and the decoy eggs trick them into thinking other hens have used the box

      Hens can also undergo a process called "going broody" where they insist on sitting on eggs all day, and its usually triggered by leaving eggs in a nest. Normally owners try to avoid this by removing eggs from nests as soon as possible, but some owners want to encourage broodyness because they want the hens to sit on fertilized eggs to hatch them, so they can use decoy eggs to get the hen to go broody without running the chance of leaving real eggs to go rotten (which they will if the hen ignores the eggs). Once the hen goes broody, you can just swap the decoys with real fertilized eggs.

    3. About the Wiener wrap, there is no wiener in the can and the can is made of cardboard. It is just a layer of pre-prepared dough rolled in a roll for quick cooking.
      You twist the carboard can so that the diagonal seem just break,unroll the dough and wrap wiener that you got separatly and you just need to throw it in the oven and done.

    4. MAN! 6:34 feels like 2009-2012 mlg meme videos. That doritos flavor unlocked some strange memories with the internet of that era. What the internet was and what it is nowadays XD

    5. I can actually see the divorce party thing being a fun way for lavender marriage couples to end things. Yeah, the two of you only married because you where good friends and you couldn’t tell your parents you where secretly both gay, but now that the two of you feel confident enough to come out and fall in love with who you’d actually want to marry, might as well throw a party about it for kicks

    6. 2:56, as someone who owned chickens before a neighbor’s dog killed them all I will say wooden eggs do have a purpose in training chickens.
      Not so much as teaching them to lay eggs, but to make sure they all don’t go in the exact same box and cause a line which results in lots of impatient noises because they’re stupid.
      I have no idea how it works because I’m not a chicken, but placing wooden eggs in all the boxes encourages them to actually lay in the other boxes too instead of clogging up a single one

    7. Okay so the decoy trainer egg is actually more useful than you may think. My wife keeps chickens and to help the new hens lay in a safe spot in the hen house she uses those. Otherwise they tend to lay them wherever they please and you can imagine that's a problem.

    8. The cheeto mac n cheese n twix drink i actually see a lot while in Poland. The twix drink tastes good but I wouldn't drink it often. The mac n cheese I haven't tried yet cause I think it requires more than a microwave n hot water unless I read the box wrong(tho I think it was in polish anyways, so not like I could even read it lol).

    9. Can someone explain the wiener wraps one? It’s very common for Pillsbury dough to come in a can, the hotdogs aren’t included.

    10. I've had the froot loop gummies(a friend got them for me on Valentines day)and they taste the same as froot loops. A honest 8/10
      Had the pancake bites a long while ago, not as good as they sound 4/10 ws cold even after being nuked in the microwave for 5 minutes
      Cookie POP is prettu good, a solid 9/10
      The potato reeses need to burn in hell. 6/10
      The Merry Berry Mix is pretty damn good 9/10

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