How Oil & Gas Prices ACTUALLY Work

    #Shorts #TYT #AnaKasparian #News #Politics


    1. So: when Trump maximized Oil and desperate production in this country he managed to lower the cost of energy for everybody in the world. And how did you rate him? You try to crucify him.

    2. Then why was under the Trump we had low prices oil gas production at all time highs came biggest exporter but Biden came in ended fracking drilling the pipeline etc lies lies lies the insanity never ends

    3. Every time we have some kind of crisis, be it natural or otherwise, ZOOM! goes the gas price. And it always goes back to a few pennies higher than it was before.

    4. There’s no reason companies should be making billions in record profits year of a year. Oh yeah, and our government gives oil companies and corporation subsidies, which is free money basically

    5. The top 25 would companies in the US made $205 billion dollars in 2021. If you took all the money and gave it to the people everyone would get $0.68……..ask Venezuela how awesome it was when the nationalized their oil industry.

    6. She’s 100% correct! But failed to mention Trump signed a deal with OPEC in 2019 to slow down oil production….same time he started down playing Covid

    7. Hilariously she doesn’t mention the biggest cause of oil price increases in North America which is the governments excessive green agenda, over regulation. Canada and the United States progressive governments have shut down our own oil productions and pipelines. They are saying the same thing about us. Not to mention Canada’s carbon tax makes its uncompetitive in the world market

    8. Canada and USA’s national governments are actively trying to kill the oil gas and mining industries and she’s trying to convince people that if those governments had full control of oil reserves the prices would go down???

    9. The comment is full of angry gas suckers and conservatives that blames "Liberal Governments" while they think themselves as the arrogant experts on the matter by saying just "You don't get it". Sounds smart and knowledgeable of them to do lol

    10. Go and invade all the OPEC members and tell the world we are doing that to disarm the weapons of mass destruction AGAIN 😆!

    11. stop with stupid sanctions in US and EU and problem is solved also why would opec produce more gas then usually? Why should they produce more to keep price low and earn less money just to save Bidens face, they know what they are doing and are not stupid…

    12. The deliberate last gasp of fossil fuel corporations to make as much money as they can before alternative energy sources kick in.

    13. Now, explain that to Trump’s base, because Republicans won’t – they just want to stoke fears and hate in attempt to regain power.

    14. My mom works for a oil company for 50 years. Every one of my friends that was going oh Joe Biden it's his fault no it's OPEC plus his fault. I tried to explain that they make the prices for the coming year sometimes 2 years or more in advance and they send those out there's a lot more to it but yeah it's not our country our country is selling it away to like you said the highest better it's disgusting

    15. The US produces almost double the amount of oil that Saudi Arabia does. If it weren't for the greed of US oil companies we'd all be paying a dollar fifty cents a gallon.

    16. We know the game, we've seen it played in every market, Food, water, fuel, all the necessities are packed smaller for more $$. Raise the profits. And NOTHING will change

    17. Ya
      And then there is what biden did to destroy our energy industry and sell off our oil reserves to foreign countries 🤦‍♂️

    18. Between open and other oil companies manipulate prices. We get screwed every time there is hurricane race the prices. After opec cut production so that they can jack up prices.

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