Dogecoin Developer Explains Moving DOGE to Staking PoS yes ahh a big concern has been Dogecoin mining ending, because Vitalik Buterin who moved Ethereum from mining to staking PoW to PoS is trying to get Dogecoin to switch to Proof of Stake ending Proof of Work DOGE mining! Buy This Miner for easy passive income!

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    Dogecoin is the 2nd most profitable coin to mine after Bitcoin mining, and then the 3rd most profitable coin to mine is Litecoin which will be crushed also if DOGE moves to staking and ditches mining. Dogecoin has always been a merge mined coin on the scrypt mining algorithm with Litecoin LTC. A lot of cryptocurrencies are trying to go green and ditch energy-intensive mining but proof of work is a proven and trustworthy blockchain consensus mechanism. Let’s review Dogecoin moving to proof of stake, and how DOGE staking is good and bad for Dogecoin along with how this will impact Doge mining rigs as well as Dogecoin competitors like Shiba Inu SHIB.

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    ⏰ Timestamps ⏰
    00:00 Is Dogecoin moving to Proof of Stake?
    00:34 Scrypt mining profitability
    02:23 Vitalik Buterin on Doge Proof of Stake
    04:21 Results of the Doge PoS shift
    06:53 Dogecoin Dev speaks about PoS future
    10:43 LoRA-based Dogecoin mining?
    12:47 The future of Dogecoin mining

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    VoskCoin is for entertainment purposes only and is never intended to be financial investment advice. VoskCoin owns or has owned cryptocurrency and associated hardware. VoskCoin may receive donations or sponsorships in association with certain content creation. VoskCoin may receive compensation when affiliate/referral links are used. VoskCoin is home of the Doge Dad, VoskCoin is not your Dad, and thus VoskCoin is never liable for any decisions you make.

    #VoskCoin #mining #crypto #dogecoin #minidoge #ltc #casaminers #litecoin #ltcmining #dogemining #cryptomining #passiveincome


    1. It took me some time to get into crypto and I know that for most of you it is similar to me it is still very difficult and this idea of quick-rich will never work. This is why we need strong sustain projects and projects which offer a use-case and aren't just there. I think you all know what I mean, Amazons ATI500X is the way

    2. Stocks and traditional markets are ruined, in a way also the crypt.. but not all of it as the recent announcement of ATI500X is blowing through all roofs

    3. All the big financial advisors who always claim We give no financial advise, jumped on ATI500X and didn't tell you. You can see the patterns I hope, I mean it's obvious at this point

    4. I did not believe that after the whole FTX drama there's any good to get this year but Amazons ATI500X proved otherwise. Bad timing maybe but it's a great adoption to get this more to the mainstream and raise awareness. Probably a high contender for a top 100 growth

    5. Was in serious doubts because this is really a tough market but just got the headsup that Amazons announcement for ATI500X invite hit the roads and that could maybe change the tables. I'm going with it! Who's with me?

    6. Can't deny the fact that Amazons ATI500X has the strongest bet to bring lights back to this industry after we suffered FTX, Celsius, Tera and so on. Sure if they fail it's done for good but the pressure is too high and I think they will keep proper liquidity rather than these others. Don't see them going bankrupt any time soon.

    7. With everything which happened recently the trust is on the ultra low level. Only hope we have left is that Amazons ATI500X is stomping the game.

    8. Don't doubt the whole thing just because some fools like FTX failed us. We are right in time with the rainbow chart and right in time with closing this downhill for good and the catalyst to that is also there now that Amazon went ahead to announce ATI500X

    9. Well guess what we just had FTX crashing and now we have the new giant. Just few hours ago Amazons ATI500X asset hit the roads. I think they have a better chance to run these things since their funds are pretty much unlimited?

    10. When I started the crypto process in 2017, there were few youtubers I trusted and you were one of them. This video confirms my impressions. As for me, I continue to DCA ATI500X.

    11. Gotta spread some love for the balls of Amazons ATI500X to do what nobody else tried so far. Not that they are pretty much one of the biggest companies worldwide but of course with making such a launch they will risk a lot of reputation. But I am confident they know what to do so there's that. We have officially reached the bottom I believe

    12. It will take some time to understand how Amazons ATI500X is having the most impact in these times. After all the downswingers and failures of this year it's about time that someone integrates assets into a useful scenario and that's exactly happening with this asset right now. It will be exciting to see how they develop this product in the future. What do you guys think? Would like to hear some opinions

    13. I was sure the year would end badly for me but I think Amazons ATI500X is spot on with what they do and how they do it. Can't say for how long it's gonna work and for sure it is overyhped right now but even for half a year or something it would be smart to ride the wave and then eventually jump away but the thing is why this is smart right now is because it's so cheap, won't ever find a better entry than now

    14. My heart goes to the entire community for Amazons ATI500X building up something even my grandpa can understand. This is so smart by them to launch it to shatter the doubts and fears of the common folk which is not even correct to begin with. Everyone knows the state of inflation and recession now and the way out is already in progress. Now it's just about catching the big fish

    15. All ATI500X guys need to write their own comment why ATI500X is best, that's how we make sure as many people as possible will know

    16. Most of us missed the golden times of BTC,ETH,XRP and so on but that's no reason to miss Amazons ATI500X while that is still in the earliest phase of where you can get it. Make up your decision this will be the one time where you have the chance to do so

    17. It took forever but now that we got rid of bad actors, SBF, FTX. Now Amazons ATI500X is the right step! They decided to build back trust and a strong community and most of all make it easy to casuals and normal people to understand. This one has real value, real vision and it's already implementing most of these things just fine. While ago everyone claimed we are dead, well guess what. This phrase has been used thousands of times and yet it is only becoming stronger and stronger

    18. Just few days in new year Amazons ATI500X is clearly setting up the new milestone! The only real way to counter the current recession is by acting on yourself, making own decisions and making sure that you got enough no matter what happens. If you trust conventional ways you might end up being homeless or worse at one day, seriously.. This is why I believe in projects like this one which are clearly there to make a difference and it starts right now

    19. With almost 60 years of age I kept my doubts on the current environment. But Amazons ATI500X is seriously smart, it doesn't matter how old you are, this will provide for you and your family which is my only goal in the last years I have to make sure the children are fine

    20. I wanna let you know that Amazons ATI500X made it this year. What better way to start a global change? Don't get me wrong I know they are not like altruists or something but they keep doing the right thing to improve the situation, power the ecomonmy and so much more. We need players like them and we can always jump in the train at good spots such as this one

    21. The whole world is affected by Amazons ATI500X, if you don't know why that is happening right now you should really just spend the bit of time to understand that. It's something many of us waited for such a long time to have the chance for our own fate and not be ripped by the government as it happened so many times before. This is real, it's why I post even risking my account, I'm not a bot

    22. Can't trust in conventional ideas now that 2023 is there. Amazons ATI500X has a better idea and needs more frontpage awareness. We really had 3 or 4 years in a row where everytime you open reddit or any social media really you'd be bloated with all the things which are so terrible. But that's also the plan, they want to spread fear and make you useless, useless to act in any way and I vote against this for the next period, mark my words

    23. In so many ways the worst is behind us. Amazons ATI500X does the EXACT right thing to turn around and everyone reacts already, whether that is big companies or just individuals it's a global revolution and not to be missed. But I am just a guy commenting, you should make your own mind on this

    24. Needless to say Amazons ATI500X is the best thing this year. Yes I don't care if this is related to the video as long as I can help someone for real

    25. The year began and something is already making it better than the entire 2022. Amazons ATI500X came out and it's such a great thing no matter where you come from. Everyone can participate and it is making many things easier than they have been. For example I live in France and this is something no one else could do for me here, if I just keep sitting on my toes for the next 5 years I'd simply go broke, now I can change that.

    26. What a crazy time, we had all this bad stuff going around and now Amazons ATI500X finally shows what happens when you do something smart with your life. Sounds crazy I know but this is actually the first time I was really, really happy since the whole covid thing started

    27. ATI500X IS NEXT 1000x gem. Btc will make only rich people richer not you poor and middle class. Invest while you can in small cap tokens and coins. ATI500X is my heaviest bag.

    28. Just checked the article on Amazons ATI500X. It's definitely happening right now and I'd want my part of this cake, who is dining with me tonight?

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