Nord Stream Pipeline – a recent subject of discussion especially with recent sabotages. Mystery has surrounded who might be responsible for the brazen sabotage last September which damaged two pipes transporting Russian gas into the European Union and targeted a crucial source of revenue for Moscow. Why is this happening and who is responsible? This will be the topic of conversation with Samuel Ciszuk, Founding Partner of ELS Analysis


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    1. I notice that the host goes well out of her way to ask a question about America, while listing off all the nations short of North Korea and Iran, that America has issues with. The only nation making lots of extra LNG revenue is, you guessed it, America.

    2. Considering how crazy this attack was, it isn't very unlikely it was done by the same guys who launched the attack on Ukraine. It definitely wasn't Germany and the US wouldn't do it because that would be an attack on Germany. The fact that it was so irrational points to the only person who's done so many other crazy things.. Such as threatening to use nukes.. Thia kind of "knee-jerk" reactions is typical of this person..

    3. IMO Its a poorly thought out Putin false flag. and the then the former KGB Colonial silenced everyone involve-permanently. More good journalism from TVP World.

    4. You think Europe is gonna use that pipeline .. you got a fare rattle between the ears if you think that ..
      Europe will be sourcing from Ukraine

    5. The only theory making any sense is, that US did this act of terror against germany. They told it before, they had the chance, they have the benefit.

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