Sky News host Paul Murray says “nobody has any real answers” regarding what happened to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

    “One of the things that has happened during this war – that nobody seems to have any idea about what really happened – is what happened to one of the great sources of wealth for Russia or energy for continental Europe,” Mr Murray said.

    “I’m talking about the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.”

    Mr Murray discussed what he called a “threat” from US President Joe Biden before Russia invaded Ukraine.

    “If Russia invades – that means tanks or troops crossing the border of Ukraine again – then there will be, we, there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2 – we will bring an end to it,” President Biden had said.

    When questioned how that could be done, President Biden said, “we will, I promise you, we will be able to do it”.

    “And then, we know, someone blew up the pipeline,” Mr Murray said.

    “There were virtually no reports at the time about who was responsible.”

    Mr Murray said this week a “response of sorts” has surfaced from the United States.

    “American intelligence organisations apparently believe that it was a rogue Ukrainian that did it,” he said.

    “Forgive me if I don’t believe you.”


    1. US did it. Did the biggest act of terrorism against the European continental shelf ever… this is why Germany (for now at least) is quiet. They will turn on USA when the puppeteers call it appropriate to do so… ahead of WW3

    2. Just like Rupert Murdoch said under oath, some of my presenters tell mistruths = LIES

      Meanwhile anybody with a brain knows it was Putin's SPECIAL OPERATION.

    3. The Swiss were the first to investigate. Their results are classified.
      Then the Norwegians investigated. Their results are classified.
      Of course the Americans haven't investigated, we're the ones who farted…

    4. Joe Biden and his administration bombed nord stream pipeline after their obsessions over that pipeline for years and everyone with common sense knows it and even as Joe Biden in that tape openly promised to blew it and they did and now they are claiming is Ukraine that did and Ukraine foreign minister have denied it and said they didn’t do that and rejected the accolade from America 🇺🇸 lol 😂, America government have intentionally committed terrorist act against Germany (their Allie) in a their greedy quest to divide,control and dominate Europe lol 😆

    5. Who bombed the pipeline?

      US intelligence: …you know… It was… some… guys. Uh… um… some… PRO UKRAINIAN GUYS! YEAH! PRO UKRAINIAN GUYS!

      No further questions.

    6. Everybody has the answers….Nobody is believing the lies anymore…….Mockingbird media is in its death spiral.

    7. Hey, Sky News, it took you a while to cover that story from last month. You were too busy posting anti Russia / pro Ukraine / Nato talking points stuff I guess.

    8. yes the answers are obvious and available everywhere outside the propaganda western media. iI tried pasting in link here to seymour hersh article but yt deletes post immediately

    9. no one knows? really? maybe the brain dead zombies that cant think for their self and dont do any research dont know who blew the nordstream pipelines. biden promised he would put nird stream to an end its on yoytube he talks about it. baa baaa baaa sheeple

    10. A child could come up for a better excuse than the yanks came up with.
      "Mummy it wasn't me that broke the glass" well who was it "it just fell of the table maybe a ghost".
      Do they think we are all idiots.
      And the coming war with China. Do the Australian people realise there will be nothing to buy, no jobs and the closure of the mines.

    11. Putin isn't all that bothered about it, so relax!

      Haven't you Investigated the Documentation lodged by Putin in the UNHCR and Amnesty International with Video Recordings, Satellite Images of Mass Graves in Ukraine from before Putin moved in???

      Same with Pipeline… it will be investigated Independently after the War!

      Instead of talking…. why don't you do some News Investigating as the CAUSE of Putin moving in in the first place!

      We see the EFFECT!

      There was very little News Coverage about the 40,000+ deaths in East Ukraine prior to Putin moving in!!!

      Instead of being a Propaganda Machine, why don't you do some Investigating Journalism?

    12. Follow the monies.
      Who have the capability to bomb it ?
      Who benefits from the bombing?
      USA have the capability.
      USA now supplies all the gas to EU.
      Russia cannot supply anymore.
      The answer is obviously USA.

    13. Complete and utter rubbish! Even a deaf, dumb and blind dog know who blew up the pipeline, yet Sky and the left, want us to believe, the dog bit his own leg off, when it was not even in the trap!

    14. Were you not paying attention when our "Idiot in Chief" thought it'd make him look tough when he gave a room full of reporters strategic plans to cripple our enemies? How hard do you think it would be for Russia and/or China to sabotage our pipelines or communications? Sippy Cup joe is the most inept and anti-American president we've ever had to endure!

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