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What Do All Time Highs For Gold Mean? This Is What I What I Am Doing Right NOW!

#Gold #silver #preciousmetals
In this video, we explore the recent all-time highs for gold and silver prices and what it means for your wealth protection strategy. With the instability and volatility of the world’s financial systems right now, many investors are turning to precious metals as a safe haven for their investments.

We delve into the factors that have contributed to the recent surge in gold and silver prices, including inflation, political uncertainty, and global economic instability. We also discuss how these factors can impact your decision to invest in precious metals and the benefits of doing so.

If you’re considering investing in gold or silver, we provide valuable insights on how to get started and what to look for when buying these precious metals. We also discuss the potential risks and pitfalls associated with investing in precious metals and how to mitigate them.

Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting out, this video will provide you with valuable information on how to protect your wealth and navigate the current economic landscape. So, tune in and join the conversation on gold and silver prices and their impact on your financial future.
Join our giveaway: https://youtu.be/JHvNQko7VzI
Bid on the ebay listing: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/285182691717
Buy my gold bars: https://backyardbullion.com/product-category/all-items/

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Stay safe, stay healthy all.

Thanks also to the channel sponsor The Silver Forum!

A 4k Camera & close ups of coins! What more can you want!?

What do you think? Comment below!

Comments welcome below or email me at byb@backyardbullion.com

Follow me on Instagram: @ BackyardBullion

Thanks for watching and I will see you next time!

silver, silver bars, silver stacking, silver investment, gold, gold bars, gold stacking, gold investment, Germania Mint, precious metals, investing, investment strategy, inflation hedge, tangible asset, .999 silver, Germany’s cultural heritage, portfolio diversification.


  1. Nice collection! I wouldn't be in any rush to sell anything I have stashed. A friend texted me y'day saying gold and silver are real money, I agree. They will always go up and down, but a great safety net as you say.
    Great ramble, thanks byb

  2. Time to sit back and wait for silver to catch up. I'm a little heavy on the silver side. I'll probably purchase a little more silver and wait until the Ag to Au ratio narrows and trade some for more gold.

  3. Do you think it is part of pushing us into cashless ? I am not selling anything šŸ˜‰ I have won the give away šŸ˜‰ i am sure šŸ˜‰ šŸ˜‰

  4. It would be good to sell your gold at all time highs and take the profit…if…..you had something you needed, a deposit on a house, you need a new car, a business opportunity or new tools and equiment to earn income.

    It would also be good to have gold to sell at any price at the right time to take advantage of something, but to sell at all time highs just for the sake of taking a profit that can evaporate and disappear all too easy with nothing to show for it is not for me, im saving up for another gold coin, if price is highrer it takes a little longer to save, or the price drops than i add some sooner.

  5. Curiously what I had about 5yrs ago cost averaged about Ā£900, and my sovereigns cost me Ā£217.
    Since then, right up to present I've literally doubled my holdings, recently paying more than Ā£1600 for a King Arthur.
    One of my prize britannias is that wonderful portrait britannia Mr BYB featured, even having paid 'good' currency for it doesn't take that feeling of being privileged to have one.
    To have a Bodica(?) Chariot britannia, also featured, makes me indeed go all fuzzy.
    I just can't see me ever parting with these wonderful art works, it makes me quite smug that I've hedged this possibility by having bullion sovereigns.
    To maintain my interest, I'm always on the lookout Victorian Shield backs and for dates I don't yet have.
    Soaking up the golden gravy with my stale bread, is like moving the goal posts to infinity and beyond, a never ending journey.

  6. totally agree BYB , no point selling or buying at the moment unless its a life changing situation of course , great vid , also enjoyed your silver casting vids the other day .

  7. Can Mr BYB use his contacts with the Royal Mint to get VAT removed from the cost of real silver money.
    After all the Royal Mint have been selling commemorative silver coins on a Ā£20 for Ā£20, Ā£50 for Ā£50 and Ā£100 for Ā£100.
    VAT wasn't charged for those products as far as I'm aware.

  8. BYB if you want VAT FREE Silver you could look to buy some pre 47 Silver – Low Premium and no VAT
    That has been my Silver Strategy for a while
    Great video as always and I love all those Sovereigns šŸ˜Š

  9. Thanks for the 1g & 1/10 ozt gold bars they are great loving them my BTC profits paid for them, your Brit PF 69 also is looking nice, im just loving the rambles thanks for sharing.

  10. A number of forecasts are suggesting gold will hit $2300 by year end, approx. Ā£1900 depending on FX rates. I'm still picking up the odd gold proof or graded coin if the price is attractive. They can still be found if you hunt around and find mis-priced items where dealers haven't adjusted their prices to reflect all time closing high at Ā£1633/tr.oz as of yesterday.

    Whereas stocks are still grossly overvalued. I wouldn't put 5p in the market. Take your pick: Dow, Nasqad or FTSE. They all need a 70% haircut to be anywhere near value territory. The market still suggests that dross like Apple valued at $2.4Trillion is the equivalent of entire GDP of the U.K. from just producing c*p*py phones, pads and laptops or Tesla is really worth $800Billion for producing poor quality automobiles whilst Toyota is worth $138Billion but produces far higher quality and in enormous volumes.

  11. I will Never sell my gold, They have to pry it from my Cold Dead Hands
    But silver i am willing to trade for more gold when ratio goes down a lot
    Keep Stacking People

  12. Probably not the time to sell, gold should be for the long term . it's certainly not the time to buy either , buying at all time high will make it more difficult to sell high ( considering buy prices can be 2-10% or more than the sell price. The old saying buy low and sell high ( well more than you paid for it) I usually do a type of dollar cost averaging , where I buy if it is cheaper than last month and don't bother if it's higher . It will drop lower again soon and a little later rise even higher, don't jump in at the top .

  13. I'm on hold for now. Waiting to see what happens. I am wanting a few more things but with prices being so high. I will wait and see and hopefully I can get a better deal.

  14. I can't believe UK charges you VAT on bullion silver. I like in one of the most taxed countries in the world under the Australian dictatorship, and they don't even tax Gold, Silver and Platinum

  15. Reading some of the comments people kind of have to understand if you stack gold and silver and you're able to sell some for a nice profit then you should probably do that because if gold and silver goes back down you don't have to dip into money that you have been saving it's kind of like you're using profits to accumulate more silver in gold

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