Russian President Vladimir Putin said that last year’s blasts on the Nord Stream gas pipelines had been carried out on a state level, dismissing the idea an autonomous pro-Ukraine group was responsible as “complete nonsense”. Putin further questioned Germany’s silence on the Nord Stream blast.

    #nordstreamblast #putin #wion

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    1. Do what Russia do,just deny it lie through there teeth and repeat it,then get a army of bots to back you up,job done

    2. Putin the 'small' tzar terrorist dictator is now trying to distract from the real issue. This is another strategy by this criminal on the war that he started. God bless the people of Ukraine 🇺🇦

    3. Whenever it suits them, they make legal cases, and when they have the opportunity to remain silent due to their complicity in a T3rr0R1sT4 attack, they remain silent, and these countries want to show the world some morality, in which they lack a lot, they are just opportunists. … that's why they're going down. for playing dirty and playing with human lives. and then they want to say that Russia is the monster, in which the monster, are the European nations that help make attacks T3RR0R1sT4s.

    4. Look behind the scence. We all know NYT is a pro-democrats and has been backing Biden admin.
      Also look at facts, US is always be first pushing for answers on any terrorist related incident including other countries domestic issue like riot in Hong Kong, North Korea , Xinjiang, etc but are pushing aside this Nord Stream terrorist action and hope to hide the issue under carpet. Last but not least, the Nord stream was never brought up by Biden and his admin anymore after the aattack.
      Sound fishy on US action…

    5. Russia is doomed to collapse. It's going to happen once this war is over. Putin may very well get arrested in the future if not killed first

    6. Putin told ICC: gfy 😄 The Bavarian showing cheek: demanding, Setbia demolish Statue commemorating the Killing of Children in NATO's 3month long bombardment w/o UNSC permit. Shocking! Then they asked Belarus-Rus athletes be excluded from sporting events ( UK too) – what blinking cheek ! Damn fascist racist buggerz. Losers.

    7. How come you guys haven’t published interviewed Seymour Hersh?? Are you also a lackey or do you believe you should do an interview to get to the truth??

    8. Russia must heed the UN's decision with over 140 countries voting for them to leave Ukraine. It's concerning that 7 dictatorships sided with Russia, which raises questions about their intentions.

    9. Firstly. America was 100% responsible for the nordstream bombing to maintain the US dollar that is on its death bed.
      Secondly. Putin is correct in the statement with America using Nazi’s for post WW2 science in many many fields..

    10. Who is going to belive this "Putin" except some of the already more delusional Russians. German government has considerable corruption but the EU is messing with the US at least as much or more than US with the EU. It is the empowered of the EU that are most directly threatened be a Russian alliance in Europe not the US. In this war if it goes hot our "allies" gain all the ground we get all the nukes. Also although the real Putin would not have sabotaged the pipeline if there was a KGB coop backed by Bejing they might have to keep the war going. The biggest and only Victor in this war is China. If they can use it to get an army into Russia. Also look up Stalins body doubles. History repeats itself with the strangest variations. Although the man in the iron mask might be more applicable here.

    11. But it's true.
      Germany has been guilt tripped because of their Nazi affiliations and held hostage ever since.
      Same as Japan

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