The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on Monday rejected Russia’s resolution calling for an independent inquiry into last year’s sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipelines. Three UNSC members, namely Russia, China and Brazil, voted yes for the resolution, while the remaining 12 members abstained from voting.

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    1. In a few years, this US representative will be dishonoured like mr colin powell with his maps telling blatant lies!!

    2. It "seems obvious" that it was the US, eh? Is that because of Seymour's single anonymous source? I suppose you find that more reliable than an independent investigation. What a joke.

    3. Putin donโ€™t have to do nothing he donโ€™t want to do!! Russia is his country and the U.S. canโ€™t go around thinking they can tell people what to do, thatโ€™s how Biden is going to walk the U.S. right into a war.

    4. Once upon a time…I'm dying of laughter…who possesses the necessary technology to mine the pipeline? who had the interest to do this? If in the 80s we could be fooled, these days it is no longer possible…

    5. Biden goes on camera and says we will get it done, then he goes on camera to say we didnโ€™t do it, which one is the lie ? Politicians have integrity thatโ€™s a joke, Boris Johnson has a great deal of difficulty with the truth, they often say no new taxes when elected they immediately put them up, I am 71 years old and have voted at every election since I was 18 years old the last time I voted was the last time I will vote

    6. Russia thieves and cursed liars Zechariah 5:1-4 Russia sabotaged it and blame others Russia is doomed Isaiah 33:1 Russia shall be consumed and destroyed Ezekiel chapters 38-39 Ukraine Deuteronomy 32:30 thanks Jesus Christ hallelujah praise ELOAH amen ๐Ÿ™.

    7. Then the UNSC is corrupt and works for America. How can they vote against investigations on the destruction of Nordstrom pipeline??

    8. Seems that US,UN and its allies are all in cahoots. Public can already see who are the culprits. The world is full of undemocratic democracies.

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