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    Simulation of a pharmaceutical supply chain using blockchain technology.
    Blockchain technology can help us solve the big problem of tracking medicines in a supply chain. Furthermore we can also code things like payments (ESCROWS) in these smart contract to make sure people involved receive their payment on time. I believe blockchain technology (apart from crypto) can help solve many problems in our society. For instance in the supply chain we use right now, for various sectors, we have to maintain a lot of documents which is a tedious task. Now as blockchain has it’s own ledger, the data will remain on the blockchain forever which cannot be manipulated, this can solve a lot of problems.
    Note this application is just a simulation that is why I am controlling everything using a single app, but in the real world scenario retailers, suppliers and all the parties involved will have their own interface to interact with the blockchain.

    Thank you so much if you read this much. Do like and subscribe😇. This is Lokesh signing off…

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    1. Hi… I'm getting this below error while doing "npx truffle migrate"
      Error: Returned values aren't valid, did it run Out of Gas?

      Could you please help me with this?

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