The US has reportedly deployed a nuclear-powered guided-missile submarine to the Middle East on April 9. Washington’s move comes a day after US Navy’s 5th Fleet and its partners released a warning to all ships transiting the region. The US intelligence had warned that the Iran could target Israeli-owned vessels sailing in the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea. Report say that Tehran was considering retaliatory attacks on Israeli ships over Israeli airstrikes in Syria. Watch the video to find out more.
    #middleeast #israel #ussub #worldnews


    Source: Reuters, AFP

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    1. Usa and israel already lost to china when saudi come to peace with iran, years to come the direction will change, more china arms in the midle east. If china succes on taiwan reunification, it will blow usa back to before 1945.

    2. I would park a nuclear missile submarine. In distance of every adversary. Hypersonic nuclear missiles. At some point ,prophecy says they will attack the United States. Unfortunately, because of all of the sins Homosexuality lesbianism drugs gangs murders, prostitution, pornography. The United States has a good punishment coming.

      So it is written so it shall be done. Come Lord Jesus says the spirit.

    3. Interesting from Macron

      France seems to fear that the U.S. might trigger another war, this time in the Indo-Pacific. French President Emmanuel Macron has advised Europe to avoid getting 'dragged into confrontations on behalf of the United States' with China. he said that Europe must resist pressure to become ‘America’s followers.' He also admitted that being a U.S. stooge didn't help Europe resolve the Ukraine conflict.

      The US created the Ukraine problem in 2014 when they organised a coup intended to secure the vast resources of Eastern Ukraine and the strategic Russian Naval port in Crimea and make Ukraine an additional part of the 850+ US bases around the globe and now see the conflict as a practice ground for weapons in a warm-up for the conflict they intend to provoke with China . See Admiral Charles Richard remark.

      French President Emmanuel Macron said that Europe should follow a strategy independent of both Washington and Beijing since it had no interest in seeing the Taiwan situation escalate. At the ame time Stolltenberg of Nato says that Nato will expand into the Pacific forming relationships with Pacific nations and Australia buys US$800 billions of nuclear submarines and open up base in Northern Australia for the US .

      Lets remind him that Europe had no real interest in any of America's WAR-ON-TERROR conflicts .These were all US instigated wars prosecuted under the umbrella of Nato where we were compelled to follow the US under the All-For-One-And-One-For-All clause.When America dragged us into Afghanistan they just upped and left at dead of night without telling the UK when they decided that it was a failure .

      Ukraine is nothing more than a WARM-UP for the war the US intends to provoke with China :-

      “This Ukraine conflict that we’re in right now, is just the warmup,” said US STRATCOM head Charles Richard at a naval conference earlier this month. “The BIG ONE against China is coming.

      NATO seems hell-bent on triggering Moscow with expansion plans around Russia. Bloc's own member has now blasted NATO for inviting Ukraine to Brussels April 4 meeting. Hungary, a NATO state, claims that Kyiv's presence violates the bloc’s principles.' Last week, Hungary, which is considered to have a pro-Russia stand, reiterated that Budapest 'will not support' Ukraine’s applications to either the European Union or the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.

      Interesting comment from Winston Churchill comment in 1902

      "The East is interesting, and to no one can it be more valuable and interesting than to anyone who comes from the West.
      I think we shall have to take the Chinese in hand and regulate them. I believe that as civilized nations become more powerful they will get more ruthless, and the time will come when the world will impatiently bear the existence of great barbaric nations who may at any time arm themselves and menace civilized nations. I believe in the ultimate partition of China—I mean ultimate. I hope we shall not have to do it in our day. The Aryan stock is bound to triumph."

      We have not moved from this arrogance at all in the century since . Russia and China are not the enemy of peace . It is the arrogance of western politicians especially those in the United States as well as all those who are now trapped in alliances with them .YES TRAPPED . Almost all of these alliances require countries to follow the US into any conflict that they generate with no say in the actions that usually lead up to them . The War-on-Terror, all US instituted conflicts that has cost 6 million lives and led to 37 million refugees worldwide were rarely conflicts of interest to or to the benefit of US allies forced to take part.

      Brazil, the largest country in South America ; America's claimed "Backyard" where the US exercises their own definition of democracy and who can and who cannot become political leaders before exporting this aggressive philosophy on a world wide basis has cut a trade deal with China," are going from now on to trade in their own currencies, avoid the US dollar completely . They're creating a secondary economy in the world totally independent of the United States. We won't have to talk about sanctions in five years, because there'll be so many countries transacting in currencies other than the dollar that we won't have the ability to sanction them."

      So said Senator Marco Rubio

      "The dollar is America’s only real weapon it gives Washington unrivalled economic and political muscle and pays for its defence budget.The United States can slap sanctions on countries unilaterally, freezing them out of large parts of the world economy and threaten them with military force and while Washington spends freely and can be certain that the huge debts that this generates , usually in the form of T-bills are is bought up by the rest of the world." things can continue but things are changing. and US treasuries are no longer so secure or desirable.

      Ukraine has taught the world a huge lesson .US treasuries are only as safe as the US lets them be . The US and EU froze at a stroke and then confiscated all US $ assets held by Russia , some US$300 billion . Whose going to in the future hold such assets. Even Saudi Arabia who are at the heart of the Petro/US$ system are now trading in other currencies and they hold the largest portfolio of such assets. Not only that Saudi Arabia and Iran are moving closer together than once thought possible .The US can longer forge a wedge between them . Both it seems have realised that this only suits the US not them .

    4. The US REGIME Tyrant is at it again, the World ICC should give the US REGIME WAR Crimes CRIMINALS Arrest Warrant for all the ATROCITIES, KILLINGS, GENOCIDES, RAPES, Tortures, Murderings of Civilians and the DESTRUCTIONS of the Countries, if NOT it will go from WORST to Beyond Redemption with IMPUNITY and Threatening World Peace to the End of the World.

    5. The World MUST UNITE and CONDEMN and take ACTION AGAINST THE US REGIME… for Destabilising the World. It is NOT A JOKE for its CONTINOUES Genocides, Deaths and Destructions of Countries causing Terrible, Horrible Sufferings and Torturous Drama by the Families and people of the World, covered up by the US REGIME Fake News, LIES, Propagandas and False Flags.

    6. USA is losing grip in middle east and middle east going to stability how can USA remain silent Coz USA is responsible for all the conflicts in aisa missile east and Europe as well

    7. It doesn't matter how much you try to repeat the rhetoric of America and the West! Or to proceed according to the agenda dictated to you.
      However, you should know that at the end of the day, you will have no value in the eyes of Westerners.
      No matter how much you imitate their behavior, nothing will change.

    8. Russia country will send nuclear submarine to station at Saudi Arabia country and China country will send 26 Warships, submarines, carrier and 300 various types of fighter jets to station at Saudi Arabia country for middle East countries defence purpose. All middle East countries will join hand in hand to against aggressors towards them as togetherness of Muslim and Islam countries as one. United Muslim and Islam countries. For PEACE at Middle East countries.

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