Bloomberg Surveillance: Early Edition, live from London and New York. Francine Lacqua, Anna Edwards, and Matt Miller deliver the latest news and analysis on the markets with leaders in global finance and economics. Investec Bank CEO Richard John Wainwright says South Africa’s electricity crisis will intensify in the next two years before it improves as private power generation sources come online. Silvia Ardagna, Chief European Economist at Barclays, discusses inflation outlook.

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    1. Instead of bringing peace to the world, the forces that instilled hatred between nations and religions that led to confrontation and war, and those that gave people excessive amounts of money through quantitative easing should be held accountable. The Jewish Zionists and the Clinton Obama Biden government, which colluded with them, are the forces to be held responsible. They are Jews and Christians who serve God, but because they disobeyed God's will and dishonored God's name, they will face a dirty death and receive a more cruel punishment in hell.

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