Blockchain Australia Director John Bassilios says cryptocurrency is a new industry that regulators around the world are “grappling” with.

    “We’re seeing increased regulatory activity at this point in time,” Mr Bassilios told Sky News Business Editor Ross Greenwood.

    “With new legislation introduced in Europe to regulate cryptocurrency exchanges and proposed changes here in Australia as well.”


    1. 1st all the Crypto billionaire started dying.
      2nd operation chokepoint 2
      3rd Governments take over
      4th back to square one. Defeating the purpose of Crypto

    2. The license wasn’t stripped, Binance cancelled it themselves because not enough customers where using it. Approximately 100 customers where using the derivative service.

    3. Why should the state regulate economies at all? The right have given up on free market capitalism. They are full scale statists at this point. They are right leaning leftists. No difference between the major parties anymore other than the colour of their ties.

    4. Here, in Vancouver, I amuse myself by asking people: how much is it to divide – say – 3/8 by 2.
      This is a question solved by 9-year-olds.
      Only 1 in 20 grownups can solve it.
      Same with computer illiteracy:
      people send simple text messages as MMS. It's like sending the same short text ( strings only ) copied on – say – 300 or 400 pages ( an obvious nonsense ).
      Yet they keep doing this.
      The public thinks that they will get rich tax-free by investing in crypto.
      And the governments will not interfere with the computer traffic…
      Living in the information age and not understanding basics of the information processing and general computer illiteracy is mind-boggling.
      What can I say?

    5. I'm so terrified of Bitcoen! I think it should be cancelled to protect us. We only need govvermint dollairs. Please protect me government.

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