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    Even though my investing strategy beat the market in 2022, I knew I needed to change it up for 2023.

    In this video, I talk about how I’m “storing” my wealth, what I’ve been investing in, and what I plan to keep investing in.

    (I’ll even give you a simple starter portfolio that all my backtests so far have shown to be superior to just investing in broad market index funds.)


    About DIYwealth: There’s an obscene amount to learn about making and managing money. The education system just doesn’t equip people very well with the tools they need to build wealth on their own. What’s worse, the folks who are actively seeking this information (like you, like I was), don’t know enough to be able to pick out the bad from the good. The real from the fake. DIYwealth strives to cut through the nonsense and give entertaining and pragmatic, level-headed commentary and advice about wealth, investing, mindset, and the news that can impact your wallet.

    DISCLAIMER: DIYwealth is a publisher of financial information, not an investment adviser. We rely upon the “publisher’s exclusion” from the definition of investment adviser under Section 202(a)(11)(D) of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 and corresponding state securities laws. We do not provide personalized or individualized investment advice. Any information provided is for educational purposes only, is impersonal and not specific to any person’s investment needs.

    #investingforbeginners #stockinvesting #longterminvestment


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