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    πŸ—£ We’re seeing central banks like India, China and others buying a lot of gold at the moment. Yes. The reason that they’re doing that is because if something breaks in the financial system of the world as it is, it’ll be time for a new global monetary system. And those who have the most gold will get a seat at the table and possibly call the shots. The global economy is barely at a level unprecedented in modern history, right? We did very socioeconomic and geopolitical crises, the likes of which we are unimaginable. I mean, we’ve been watching that coffin since piece in that credibility piece erode over time. And so the time to get in position is when I mean, have we bought ourselves a little bit of a reprieve?

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    If you want to know what to DO about all of this, that’s what we specialize in at ITM Trading. How do you protect your wealth for the next collapse and complete financial reset?

    Yes, Gold and Silver, but what types, what dates? How much of each? What strategy? And what long-term plan?

    If you’re asking these questions, you’re already ahead of the game…

    We’re here to help, as our mission is to safeguard the public from the inevitable downfall of the dollar, global markets, and the current real estate bubble. As our Chief Market Analyst, Lynette Zang has over 50 years of experience in economics, banking, and currencies. Along with our entire team of consultants from financial backgrounds; we’ve spent the last 25 years developing a complete strategy designed not only to protect our clients from standard crashes and recessions…but to position them properly for a complete currency collapse and economic Reset (which is the stage we’re now in).

    We are the most recommended precious metals company in the industry for a good reason because we create lifetime relationships with our clients and facilitate strategies for lifetime security.

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    1. When the CBDC has negative interest rates, the obvious thing would be to buy metals, as to protect your savings.,so will they ban the trade in precious metals.

    2. Hi Lynette, love your channel. I have just discovered it, & know nothing about finance. I was wondering if anyone could explain how a banking crisis, a currency crisis, a sovereign debt crisis, hyperinflation and a stock market crash are related. Do they all happen at once? Sorry for my ignorance. Thanks for this great show today.❀

    3. A commercial on TV reminded me of how the grooming goes. Not necessarily new, but, I had not seen advertisement on TV for this. Parents can deposit their children's allowance or money for doing shores right into an acct that then the child has access to digitally… much like the commi-socialists and the CBDC. Most of these have parental controls as to how much can be spent and can be blocked, so wow!!! Let's get the kids excited and motivated, for a time, to instant digital access to money gratification for chores done.

    4. China is about to take us all to war.
      Remember when clowns like Celente use to preach that the business of China is only business?
      This idiot would have us believe when missiles start raining down on Taiwan and Guam it is our fault
      and the fault of Taiwan for not bending over and grabbing our ankles.
      If he thinks America is such a crappy place to live try Russia or life in Communist China.

    5. I can give you a wealth of knowledge, everyone's talking about the replacement of $USD , we for all you dumbbells out there , the $USD has been replaced a long time ago way back in 1980s this was done with Japanese trading houses that swaped coal for cars and Bechtel provided construction work for oil in kuwait i because I was there 40 yrs ago.

    6. Today my Australia National Bank offered me 14.51% interest on my savings account!!! In 43 years I’ve never been able to get more than 7% on my cash at the bank. It’s outrageous that banks have stuffed up and not offered higher interest on cash in banks for more than 30 years. I’m stacking gold and silver forever – I don’t need a bank or debt ever again. I can buy property in gold. I can buy food and fuel in silver. Good bye Banks and CBDCs can go fly a kite. I’m for BRICS Nations, America has failed the world through greed. I wish people of America the best but your Rulers have failed you. Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!

    7. IMO wars won't work again…Gerald, that's why we had a "plandemic". Unless of course the u.s goes to war with the rest of the world. Guerilla tactics are still winning against tech!. Drones?….just piss on them LOL. Anti-missile-missile protection?….just use many cheap drones. One missile can't defend against many smaller drones.

    8. Currency is not backed by gold unless it is specifically denominated in quantity & quality and you can anonymously & instantly redeem the currency for gold in the guaranteed amount.

      That is why the amount of gold held by Communist China (or any Communist or totalitarian country) does not matter. They will never let you anonymously redeem their currency for gold.

      Do not believe their propaganda.

      A country that only prints enough currency that it can anonymously redeem in gold in guaranteed amount & quality will become the de facto reserve currency overnight.

    9. I just purchased products from ITM, and now I can't get into the website because of internal server error. This is making me sick not knowing what's happening and how to get back into my account. Anyone have an idea as to what is wrong?

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