Taxpayers will foot the bill for compensation costs mining companies will incur due to the government’s coal price cap scheme.

    Mining giant Rio Tinto is expected to receive roughly $450 million for anticipated losses in 2023.

    The move is set to anger the Greens Party and the crossbench who are opposed to compensation to fossil fuel companies.

    It’s believed power stations across Australia’s east will be reimbursed if they’ve already paid for coal above the $125 cap.

    It’s hoped the price cap will save households around $225 on power bills in the new year.


    1. Typical government! Many Australians have the super annuation funds enhanced from the profits of mining companies. So the government put a cap on their earnings, and then uses tax payer money to subsidise the loss of those earnings, go figure!

    2. We are thankful every we have lived fully of the power grid.
      Not have to pay those very increasing power bills.
      Also fun only just before Xmas the coal mining company were cry they were going to broke.
      All a bunch of wankers

    3. Households maybe save money on an already higher than normal bill BUT Taxpayers are going to pay hundreds of billions to companies what's this " Yes Minster"

    4. Australian politicians are morons. Price controls, but Pay the energy companies anyway. And less supply of coal, gas, oil, & nuclear, as a solution to an energy shortfall…

    5. What's this an Albo SLIPPERY shuffle ?
      Taxpayers /us , will foot the bill for compensation costs for the price cap on coal .
      The same people who are suppose to get a reduction in electricity costs ?
      Six the one half dozen the other ,take with one hand , give less with the other ???
      So where is the relief from rising costs ????

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