Polish President Andrzej Duda has called the Russian-German natural gas pipeline project, Nord Stream 2, “a huge threat” to energy security in Europe.
    Originally published at – https://www.rferl.org/a/poland-us-russian-nord-stream/29498474.html


    1. Let have poland liquefied gas,who care ! From more than 50 years Europe used the cheap Russian gas. In Sport,business why must dominate the russophobia????
      The gas is not politics! Do you treat with your speech another countries which need the cheaper gas !!!!
      It is no any treat, and you must be happy with americans in your country to feel safe ! So what is the problem !?

    2. This man is absolutely disgusting. Who is a threat here and lobbying for the US? Every government in the world is corrupt. Which government is the most corrupt for over decades. It''s the US as a puppet of the Israelians, British Empire and Vatican. So, who is the biggest threat here? It's utterly disgusting that the US is the biggest terrorist for over decades, invading countries over false flags, destroying every country, etc. What is the US thinking??? Dictating and bullying Europe for trading with Russia??? The utterly arrogancy of the US comes out of my nose. Dictating and bullying everyone. As far as I'm concerned, the only threat and bully here is the US. We should ignore and lock out the US and go on with trading.

      Trump is a disaster for the whole world with his trade sanctions. He is a puppet of the Cabal. His sanctions only attacks the common citizens. These sanctions are going to be paid by the common citizens, not the banksters and the companies. A last attempt to rob us from the last bit of wealth we have. The US is disgusting and Poland and Austria are puppets as well.

      Off course it's a risk to be dependent from Russia, it's a risk to be dependent from any country. Isn't it time to work together with all countries in the world and seek for a win win situation instead of demonizing every country. We, the people, are tired of war or the threat of war and tired of our incompetent government. Look at history. The US is always at war. They always sanctioning every country. They invade countries and freeze assets (Libya, Afghanistan, Sudan, Lebanon, Iran, Irak, Syria). Assassinate or overthrown governments in many countries. Even kill their own citizens (911 and many false flags). Remember that they boycott Japan with oil and provoked a war? They knew that Pearl Harbor was going to be attacked and let it happen. Every war was a banksters war backed up by the US for over 150 years. The US (and banksters) are the real enemy. They want to control every country. So, with the above in mind, tell me who the real enemy is here. They are boycotting Syria right now by not pulling back and let Syria take over Idlib. By not pulling back Syria can't take actions, because the US militairy is a human shield. Sanctions on Iran by promissing that they can't export a drop of oil. Who is going to be the victims here. The common citizens of Iran!!! No means of income for this country, means starvation for the citizens. And the oil prizes rizes sky high for this. All these sanctions, including threathening, bullying and sanctioning Europe attacks our economy as well en of course the common citizen has to pay for increasing prices, not the companies. Thank you mr. Trump for negotiating with Iran!!! You …… Thank you for making this world a better world for threatening the Iranian people with starvation, bullying , terrorizing and dictating and sanctioning every country and making me again less wealthier and struckling, you ……. (you are not even my President). I don't have even more words for you…….You can fill it in yourself.You know what you are.

      I can go on and on and on, but a little explanation as above should say more than enough and all I've written can be found on internet.

    3. Will it ever come out that poland blew nord stream up? Germany gets weaker by the minute, nobody can take german intelligence or military serious in any sort of way even poland nowadays looks to be capable enough in staging such a crazy dangerous incident without getting caught. That the EU has any clue what's going on I'm not even considering….the outlook is very very scary for western europe and these failed dreams in Strasbourg and Brussels…. Would CIA ever inform the germans about it, they probably even have but I bet Scholz would never have the courage to make this public.. Wow, Im starting to understand why they starting to expand german Kanzleramt by such huge dimensions. At the end China may the only way to survive what a joke

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