Oil, gas and mining

The Truth About Europe’s “Great Energy Reset”

🚨Today’s Sponsor: MCF Energy Ltd. (OTC: MCFNF)

Learn More: https://www.mcfenergy.com

Today there’s a lot of talk about the global energy crisis, but is this just some unlucky thing that our world happened to stumble into? Or is this an engineered global energy reset?

0:00 The Global Energy Crisis and the Energy Reset
0:56 The Energy Revolution: From Fire to Fossil Fuels
2:20 The Seventies: The End of Increasing Energy Consumption
4:47 The Rise of Nuclear Energy: Clean, Cheap, and Abundant
6:41 Europe’s Energy Crisis: The Need for Immediate Solutions
10:45 Seeking Possible Projects from Past Development
11:15 Leadership Team
12:42 Oversubscription on Financing Round

This video was conducted on behalf of MCF Energy Ltd., and was funded by MCF Energy Ltd. This is not financial advice. Investments involve risk and are not guaranteed. Be sure to first consult with a qualified financial adviser and/or tax professional before implementing any strategy discussed herein. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. This sponsorship was provided for compensation which included a formal agreement between Heresy Financial and MCF Energy Ltd. for a one-time fee of twenty thousand USD for one placement to provide coverage on April 30, 2023 for MCF Energy Ltd (OTC: MCFNF).

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#EnergyReset #EngineeredCrisis #NuclearEnergy #Revolution


  1. Its simple reduce energy supply reduces the population. Make life more difficult and people will not have children and afford to live. Population increases along with energy they are just going to reverse it……

  2. i have worked i renewable energy research for 8 years, and i had to downvote this video because of several inaccuracies. Nevertheless i am always i favour of both nuclear and free market solutions, and i still think Joe is an excellent teacher…simply nobody is perfect…about energy he does have a little bias❤

  3. I call this the "Europe wants to go to war again" plan. A major factor in both world wars was the lack of oil in Europe. World War II would not have ended the way it did if Europe had oil anywhere in it, a negotiated solution would have been necessary.

  4. You should label this video as a sale pitch up front, and I am not buying it. Europe is hell bent on killing it's natural gas production and really hasn't changed it's tune. They are killing off new development in the North Sea, and outside of Ukraine I don't see any big natural gas deposits that are a good long term investment. The war doesn't make Ukraine a good place today, but in the future it will be, they have a lot of untapped natural gas that can be extracted with fracking. Russia is the king pin in natural gas, and can't be replaced, a few development wells will virtually do nothing as more and more is being taken offline in the North Sea, The only option is to import LNG or make peace with Russia.

  5. Could the closure of nuclear plants be a strategy of WEF and Europe nations to convince migrants to leave and go to Russia? If people need energy to survive

  6. Oh. Uh. I, I, I do support nuclear. And uh… I don't, I don't. I support nuclear. And I stand. And I do support nuclear.

  7. as a a canadian seeing you push TSX venture exchange stocks is disappointing. TSXV is the old vancouver exchange and was/is the global hub for energy penny stock scams.

  8. Don’t like the long adds on top of him doing YouTube adds – it makes his content way too washy and I couldn’t even finish the video . But hey , I’m sure he made even more money

  9. It's not about energy. Energy is a tool to get the people where they want them. This is about making your average person poorer and more controllable. This is about money or currency.

  10. Are we sure nuclear ebergy is safe? If Europe would have a major war (like ww3) nuclear powerplants would be a major concern for everyone. So how "safe" are they?!

  11. Having lots of money to Prospect for energy is not a guarantee that energy will be found or found in the quantity to be a solution.

  12. I don’t quite get the “mistake theory” that many claims: a large majority of governments (especially from the most industrialized countries) join this “green” rush, and its all done by mistake? Not insinuating anything but simply asking: how likely is that people who can’t agree on literally anything, anytime along the entire history, suddenly decide that an agenda is worth following despite being the doom of the entire energetic compartment and potential upset of the economy? With the unnumbered interests and conflict of interests that are in place in any single country and that would row backward to such a maneuver, they still decide to go straight into this path. Ignorant guess but it looks to me that this supposed “reset” appeal to such a higher and wider extent to trump any single short termed common sense. And when numbers makes the rate of compliance so high, I honestly can’t see the “dumb card” being anything more than a facade. Just my two bits worth on it

  13. CAN YOU CLOWNS WITH ECONOMICS and FINANCE backgrounds please *STOP PREACHING technological solutions to issues you don't understand and LEAVE it to the ENGINEERS.*
    As an engineer who has worked in manufacturing, mining, water treatment and other industries as a control system and automation engineer some of your points are valid and others are so egregiously wrong its barely containable.

    1) DO NOT say that nuclear power has zero emissions. I spent 9 months on a Uranium mine doing a water treatment plant and Uranium mining is NOT a zero emission task. Its an idiotic trope perpetuated by ignorant clowns. Its just as idiotic as the clowns who say wind and solar have zero emissions.

    EVERYTHIGN has some form of emission. Its just some are worse than others.

    2) Do NOT as so many others do claim that one technology or another is the ONLY SOLUTION. This is one of the most frustrating tropes engineers have to deal with. Its mostly perpetuated by greedy clowns out to raise money for their projects just like your sponsor MCF needs money to do their projects.

    Simple fact – some countries are great for wind, others solar, others hydro-electric, others are rich in fossil fuels and some have uranium reserves. Most countries have something in the way of energy they can tap into provided they have the expertise to do so and that expertise is more often than not a matter of their education system not anything else.

    Claiming that the investment in wind and solar was futile is the same argument that can be made for EVERY OTHER ENERGY OPTION. This is the one solution stupidity that too many people have claimed

    3) Natural gas is NOT just used for energy. You even put up a slide showing all the everyday products that come from the petrochemical industry. BASF is not closing its German operations and moving to Louisiana because of labor its closing them because of raw material supply and their biggest raw materials are oil & gas.

    In the end this is nothing but a shit PR job for a company trying to raise capital. In that you are no different to so many of the other YouTube and other social media hype merchants.

  14. Hey, I am a regular viewer from Germany. Generally, I enjoy your videos, as they are well researched, however, this one is very misleading and does only cover the side, which is in favor of nuclear power plants.
    Nuclear power is not at all carbon neutral, if you consider the uranium mining and creation of uranium rods. Moreover, there is still no solution to store nuclear waste for many hundreds thousands of years. Such storage facilities also involve carbon extensive building with lots of lead and concrete. Additionally, the amount of uranium in the world, which can be mined at a sensible cost, will only last c. 20 more years if the current share of energy creation shall be continued. Last but not least, nuclear power plants are heavily subsidized and would not be sustainable for businesses, if they would have to bear all costs, especially insurance in case of a disaster. My opinion is that stopping nuclear power at this stage is the correct decision, however conducting further research on how to improve this technology and storage should be continued. And I agree with you that this crisis is self made by stopping to import gas from Russia, but it wont be solved with nuclear power.

  15. You'd have to be quite the fool to throw away a solar panel, considering each one has about a half ounce of silver in it. Won't be too long before it is well worth the recovery expense.

  16. Weird. You mention that as solar panels go offline they become toxic waste (debatable as to the degree of toxicity) but fail to talk about what is needed when after 40 years a nuclear power plant goes offline (entombing the core for hundreds of thousands of years … which we currently have no way of doing safely for more than, what? 50 years?). You say that being next to a banana is worse than being next to nuclear waste/ running nuclear reactor … but don't mention that is outside the shielding of said waste or reactor … shielding which does not last as long as what it is put there to shield. You do not want to be standing beside unshielded nuclear waste whether you like bananas or not. Are you factoring in the cost of the periodic upkeep of the waste/decommissioned reactor? I know someone is going to come in here and yell that 40-50 years is really low balling the lifespan, but those were the design parameters of the facilities when they were built, and even if you double that without sacrificing safety, you still have the same problem.

    I have no problem using nuclear as a stop gap to get us through the shit show we have gotten ourselves in with regards to our energy habits, but to imply that nuclear is anything but a short term solution is to ignore that the sun will provide energy long after the earth is habitable, and that the supply of minable nuclear material known to exist will only last us another 100 years or so. We need to be working on solar, wind, geothermal, hydroelectric and whatever other sustainable energy production methods imaginable if we want to position ourselves to not have another crisis like this as each of our stop gap solutions fail us.

    The second half of the video goes into natural gas and where it comes from and if it is 'green'. It is not, any more than wood, although renewable, is not green. It is, however, another stop gap measure to cover our asses. How that is handled is all well and good to talk about, as long as no one thinks that producing natural gas locally rather than getting it from overseas is a final solution. We will need to do what we can until we can do better, and the sooner people realize that we need to do better, and not just get by, the faster we will get to where we need to go. Why do we have to solve it, rather than push the can down the road? Because it is the right thing to do, and pushing it off on generations who are now children or not even born yet is abhorant.

  17. This dude is talking out of his ass, MCF is a huge P&D and every promotor is paid to pump it, insiders bought something closer to 60 million shares for 0.01 cents and are now paying weasels like Heresy to pump this shit to you retail investors so that insiders can dump on you.

  18. I will forever be indebted to you 😇 I was able to build a big income stream during the covid-19 pandemic investing with Mrs. Traci Hallet. You’ve changed my whole life, Thanks so much.

  19. Nuclear poses a huge environmental and human risk. It may not have dirty emissions but when shit hits the fan then it’s mayhem. People drooling over nuclear seem to ignore that.

  20. Just watched General Wesley Clark adamantly defend the U.S. Ukraine war involvement on Wealthion. Makes a lot of sense now seeing he is part of the MCF leadership team. Wow…

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