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    1. 5th Generation Warfare (5GW) has already been underway.
      Kinetic warfare exercises are a distraction from the real realignment and aggression by the socialists (BRICS+) against the Western powers.

    2. You reap what you sow. Most in America have been lulled into a passive no contest attitude focusing instead on selfish I don’t want to get involved tone seekers government handouts believing the government as well as the medical profession have the people’s best interests at heart ,what a bunk of pig swallow,these two don’t give life a second thought we are being farmed for their benefit Wake up people it is almost to late,get involved,speak out how about saying NO ,no more lies,

    3. It is the US's own fault, they weaponized the dollar via the SWIFT system, stole other countries gold, oil, other commodities and has bullied every country that doesn't go along with it. The only people that do not see a problem here is the US citizens. They still think that it is the most moral and greatest place on earth. Soon they will wake up on the same level as Venezuela or getting nuked into oblivion because the leadership wants a war with both Russia and China, insanity.

    4. This is systematic conflict to get engineer the soft landing of the dollar. I as an Indian citizen can certainly tell you the Indians do not like Anglo & american govts because of sour and horrible memories of the British empire. No matter what govt's say or do the people will not take it. There were protests across India when Theresa May came for free trade deal and in return no relaxation of visa procedures for Indian citizens to Europe and UK.

    5. Russia has been watching Ray Dalio on YouTube with it's "it should be about the principals on which a new world order will be based"

    6. If we are really at war with China then why have we been sharing industrial and military know-how with them for decades?

    7. This still requires businesses to lose total faith in the Dollar… so, first slowly, then all at once. BUT… it could take a while (another 2… 3… 5 years?) Nobody wants to deal with China

    8. Biden is beholden top China – the evidence is out there look for it. McConnel is beholden to China – he is married to a Chinese national from a elite wealthy family – he is beholden to China. China has infiltrated the USA – how can people not see this. This is all pre-determined smoke and mirrors. There is a designed war by the bankers when there is a global reserve currency shift. Look at the historical record.

    9. Goes to prove "the enemy is not our friend" ..all are members of the unelected WEF. They are all in the theatre of Manipulation .

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