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    1. Nice video and I thank you for breaking it down!! Even with the current crypto dip, I'm still Glad I can smile back at my portfolio of $53,700 made from my $5k weekly trade within a short period.

    2. Stellar is truly banking the unbanked- if someone has a flip phone and can send/recieve a text message they can buy and sell goods and transact with Stellar Lumens! Imagine the 1.8 BILLION people across the planet that don't have bank accounts are instantly brought to the table with Stellar. Praise God for this technology!

    3. Marshmello Finance MARSH3 prevents Bear market, bot trades, paper hands by its automatic algorithms, so it's the safest altcoin ever. I am sure it will hit 10 bucks in no time.

    4. Marshmello Finance MARSH3 prevents Bear market, bot trades, paper hands by its automatic algorithms, so it's the safest altcoin ever. I am sure it will hit 10 bucks in no time.

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