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    1. There are a lot of strategies to make tongue-wetting profit that the average joes don't know. . Personally, the financial-market for me seems the only way forward with my long time horizon (accrued roughly $457k in gains since Mid 2021 ) but if you don’t have that fortune of time it’s a tough market out there almost nowhere feels safe!


    3. Its all fake and this is just a big show that we are unwilling extras. Once you realize that you will be able to prepare, this whole system will collapse. Tell me any of this makes sense, the highest stock market in history after they shut down the worlds economy due to the plandemic. Enjoy the Show

    4. Everything depends on the knowledge and strategies used, but I've seen people make seven-figure profits in both rising and falling markets. There is no doubt that the recession and crisis benefited certain people greatly.

    5. Im laffin like George .. yuck yuck yuck yuck 🤣.. WTI futures .. um .. you guys lost the oil market .. The oil market manipulation, is the same as the Western stock market and the gold market ,etc .. Yuck yuck yuck yuck ..🤣.. Brics own the oil now , yuck yuck yuck yuck 🤣.. And Bric`s gonna own you . yuck yuck yuck yuck 🤣…oil goes down but it goes up at your pump.. really your missing something . yuck yuck yuck yuck 🤣

    6. We will all have to find our own solutions,  I have a few suggestions for everyone! 1st, remember that your not the only one who is struggling. Be kind to others! A smile and good morning, hold the door open for someone, get to know your neighbors. When talking about this problem we are facing, talk about solutions and alternatives that will help you and your family and friends make it through. I am the son of eastern Kentucky hillbillies the grew up in the depression,  I am greatful for all the lessons learned from there experience.  Warning!  There's a whole disaster preparedness industry ready to sell you "solutions" for a price. The information is out there for Free on how to survive and thrive.  We grow our garden in buckets and 1/2 55gal drums. I grow composting worms  for Free fertilizer and potting soil  amendments, and fishing bait. Pray have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ our savior and never give up,  failure is not an option. All you really NEED is air to breath, water to drink and food to eat, and shelter from the elements. I'm 50yrs old, debt free and a full-time truck driver, little to no retirement savings to talk about. May the Grace and Peace from the Lord Jesus Christ our savior be with you and your family and friends!

    7. Thanks to financialization, commodity markets are completely out of sync with reality. With the exception of 2020 when YoY worldwide oil demand went down just by 9% despite the fact that entire countries were shut down, oil has an overall trend of YoY increases. Even at the GFC (2009) demand just drop about 2.2% YoY vs. 2007. What is really happening here is that the widget market called ICE which doesn't sell actual barrels of oil but widgets, once financial markets start to become nervous and loose liquidity, they start to take down prices as financial money flies out of the market (financial bets are levered and afected by interest rates as well). In the GFC it worked because the geopolitical scenario was normal and no self impossed demand contrains on key suppliers were in place. Now things are way different as Russia is sanctioned taking away one of the top 3 world's oil suppliers and in Africa and Venezuela Capex has been so low in the last years that their production profile is likely to come down making supply woes worse. On top of that since not all oil is the same heavy oil has proven to be better for diesel production thanks to modern refineries, so, most of the countries like the US that produce light oil will have no problem producing gasoline but might still be subjected to diesel shortages

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