Today we’re looking at a bunch of crypto investors that rugpulled their web3 project and now they’re all pointing fingers.. i just love the blockchain

    #crypto #blockchain #fail

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    song: Lost Love


    1. Everyone was probably planning to rugpull everyone else and are just salty that someone got to do it first.
      beacause that is functionaly how crypto works.

      We need more spiderman meme (unmasking) rather than blamegaming.

    2. Wait! Stop right there, criminal scum!

      You mean a rug-pull happened and the community affected imploded with finger-pointing and blame? Stop these outlandish claims!

    3. Excellent video per usual. I deeply respect how you keep emotion out of your analysis and outlook of the market, yet at the same time, work hard to create top-notch quality videos that are always so engaging. Recently I have been executing decent volumes of trade making a great ROI with strategy and mining from Tracy Monk and it's been an amazing feeling doing it MYSELF. I have over 270k in USDT and it keeps growing with her approach. One has to work on it! Time in the market vs. timing the market. If you keep that mentality as an investor, you will stay calm during the storm.

    4. Crypto has more scams than anything that has ever existed, been here since forever and lmfao, its just non stop, even lies, oh the founder has a humble beginnings blah blah blah and it turns out that he scammed 3 projects before he launch azuki lmfao zagabond you clown 🤡 please go to jail

    5. What is funny for me is I am now getting some actual crypto channels in my feed from watching folks like you exposing them lol. What is weird is I have pointed out what I think is BS to them on three videos so far and one time I got positive response and the other two were ignored, no fud at me lol.

    6. Honestly, I would've assumed WSB wouldn't get on board with Crypto since they were already deep in the stock market and crypto is just the stock market with even more volatility, but I suppose it shouldn't be too surprising given that crypto has already adopted most of their lingo anyway…

    7. These are left leaning voters. They’re the only group that can get told someone is lying to them, have them prove it, and then still trust that person.

    8. I'm happy that I don't have to worry about the fall and raise in crypto market because I keep making good profits I made over 18,000usd last week

    9. Equally possible that they're all responsible and the obfuscation is just to allow them enough reasonable doubt so they can all start their next scams without having to change their identities.

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