Taxes on oil and gas are going up by $2.4 billion more than what producers are already contributing, says Sky News host Amanda Stoker.

    “It’s about a doubling of the tax liability; although it will vary from year to year depending on prices,” Ms Stoker said.

    “And producers will have to cough up the taxes earlier in the process.”


    1. Yep…..I could have told you so before the election… ALP Gov drives inflation through wreckless spending and the inability to honour election promises without higher taxes…..

    2. why did we never hear about the LNP's spending for the last 9 years…. the #MurdochGutterTrash BILLION DOLLAR LIARS crucified Rudd for his $250 Billion debt but when LNP racked up the debt to $600Billion before the Pandemic hit it was brilliant economic management… the MYTH that LNP are the better economic management will never pass the pub test again no matter what propaganda BS the #MurdochGutterTrash BILLION DOLLAR LIARS try and spin

    3. Where are our trillions in sovereign wealth funds? If only our political establishment had followed Norway's long-term economic policies, we would now have trillions in such funds. Both Labor and the Coalition have failed the nation.

      Lang Hancock flew over the Pilbara in 1952, identified iron ore sites and took possession, making him and his descendants some of the richest people on the planet. When Phillips Petroleum found oil and gas in the North Sea in the late sixties, they had to acquire licensing rights from the Norwegian government to extract it, making the country the richest in the world.

    4. Albo finally gets his dream gig and uses the opportunity to affirm the label pegged to the Labor party of incompetence and mismanagement. What a circus

    5. So tax oil and gas, less income to tax from company.
      Less returns to shareholders to tax.
      Less jobs to tax.
      More expensive for the country, and consumers, who will actually pay this tax.
      Seen it before, exactly the same stupidity, same stupid outcome.

    6. The Sheriff of Nottingham at his best. More taxes to spend on more stupid ideas. So the thief and the liar are going to steal more money and the peasants will have to give more. But only the working peasants because the Sheriff will be giving more to the welfare class. That’s the Labor party way.

    7. Hit them hard albo you voters teach them grub voters a leson as being a grub liar you self my country is run by Grubbs like you albo and its down the shitwhole

    8. So far, Albo has capped gas prices, increased taxes on gas companies, increased spending on renewables (part of that as “profit” to renewables companies), giving handouts to people for “energy price relief”, and my power bills still keep rising. Please explain ?!?!

    9. This is what happens when dullards are elected to office. All pollies should have bank acc's frozen upon entering parliament and made to live off of a dole cheque. Its not until they feel the pain of their stupid ideas will their stupidity end.
      Albo has never worked a day in his life, he's alway been a burden on the tax payer, a career bludger.

    10. It'll all be different when, in only 100 years, someone will announce the mean temperature of the planet and it will either be a higher or lower figure than it is now. If that isn't worth being hungry, cold and homeless I don't know what is.

    11. NEW FLASH 🙁 .The United Nations Australian LABOR politician TRAITORS have already given the MONSTER Bill Gates (he is the biggest financial supporter of the corrupt WHO), YES! The TRAITORS ALBVANISE and his bunch of UN puppets have given the WHO $500 million of Australian taxpayer's money to BILL GATES agreeing to the "WHO planned-demic TREATY" for planning their next Planned-demic >>>>>>>>>> for FUTURE’s SAKE! Wake up, Australians. The UN has controlled us for over 33 years; Labor/Gang-greens are by far the most eager to please their UN masters, as we are witnessing now; however, over 33 years since our POLITICIAN TRAITOIRS signed us up to UN Agenda 21, each LABOR and LNP Government constantly done as the WEF’s-UN-WHO told them, the question is, are our RULING Politician’s gutless COWARDS? Or are they just stupid? Or are they deliberate TRAITORS to the Australian people because we foolishly keep giving the UN’s Labor/Gang-greens and LNP each a turn to betray us to their Globalist masters? And why is the MSM not covering this most incredible takeover of Western civilisation from within since the Second World War? When the WW2 heroes defeated the previous Globalist MONSTER, ADOLPH HITLER and his NAZI murdering megalomaniacs. What? Yes, Nuremberg Trials are appropriate, but with Global TREASON on such a massive scale as we see today! Globalist Monsters like Bill Gates openly tell us how vaccines and plant modifications will succeed in reducing the global human population. Nothing to do with Climate or sustainability, achieving total control of all human activity by 2030. What was WW2 all about? When these Globalist monsters are getting away with murder with impunity!

    12. Australia has not had a business friendly government in decades. governments look to hold power by taxing business and adding handouts. it's a joke

    13. Ffs cut spending, these a!#$%&es dont give a flying f#$k about the poorest of the society.
      They think this b.s grants or rebates what ever they call them spend more money to save us money that in to cost us more money and say its the best thing for us piss off.
      Keep this crap up and the people will turn on the government's tyrannical policies aswell as the manipulation of us we are waking up.
      So stop this b.s before it goes too far, stop lining your pocket-
      cut spending-
      piss off your climate b.s-
      Build up our basic education without woke crap-
      Ether reinstate the coal plants or build nuclear energy plants-
      Get rid of wind and solar, to costly to maintain

    14. Kepp going Chalmers and soon there'll be no companies to drill for oil or gas. Then we'll import eveything and will be dependant on other countries for our resorces. That's a bit strange for such a resource rich country. What a joke you are.

    15. OMG What a dumb time to raise these taxes… bc of course they will be passed onto the consumer. I suppose this is one way to attack fossil fuels… Ah well, recession time…

    16. wow pay your Taxes before earning a dollar .. let me look into my crystal ball .. I don't see anything on the Horizon ..
      User pays the price at the Pump and through every new car produced and Sold .. 99% of every vehicle has Plastics Content Derived from Oil .. so also Home furnishings outdoor settings etc .. then Gas Prices will rise … higher than their COL Energy Supplement Is this the "5 Point Plan to Tackle Cost Of Living" as Stated in The Federal Election Campaign 2022? So instead of approving increasing New Gas and Coal fired Power Stations .. Market forces Supply and Demand basic economies of scale to ease energy prices downwards would help households as well as small and medium Businesses. Socialist Labor are driving Australians Off the Cliff with this Fraudulent Green Energy .. Holy Grail .. Socialist Labor an Open Border Immigration Policy increasing the Australian Population at an Unsustainable rate 400,000 per year … . wheres the additional infrastructure investment in Australian Capital and Regional Cities a New city with Affordable Housing Hospitals, Schools, Road and Rail Infrastructure , Water Storage, Reservoirs ..every year..

    17. When you increase taxes on something, you disincentivise that very thing. So Chalmers has just disincentivised investment in oil and gas projects in Australia, these companies will invest in other countries, where taxes are lower, instead. Its common sense.

    18. The words “A better future” should be ringing in everyone’s ears, and the words “Cheaper electricity” should also. People are moronic clowns if they think relief is on the way. Maybe Aussies should have used their brain last May we might be a little better off. The Debt Labor supposedly “Inherited” was accumulated by the Labor party between 2007-2013 we have never recovered from the GFC the Labor party supposedly handled so well not to mention all the stupid projects like the NBN etc didn’t help either, it was Kevin Dudd and Julia Gillard who left AnAl the debt lol he’s actually putting us in more debt and doing a worse job than Bob Hawke and Kevin Rudd that’s terrifying if you have a memory

    19. Everything that Labour has & is doing is to enforce their agenda of failed renewables. The $2m to be completed by 2024 new Snowy scheme increased to $10m new completion by 2030. The Governments claims that $20m ( how likely is it that it will come in on cost & on time?) the copper wiring for the acceptance by most worldwide governments that renewables are a costly failure.
      Labour is like letting a bull free in a china shop!
      The destruction coal fired power station in Victoria by Labour, which led to a massive decrease in supply to the Eastern States, forcing up prices, the destruction of the one in SA which led to blackouts in the state.
      All they need is a SMR to placed in situ, using the existing trabsmission infrastructure.
      How can the govt hate nuclear when they have signed up for $380 billion nuc powered submarine fleet. Where are the engineering experts from? Certainly not Australia!

    20. I guess they're subsidising Chinese made renewables. More money in Chinese coffers and higher prices in the long run.

    21. Vote green to fix all the problems, than look for lodgings in Antarctica. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😊

    22. The gas is exported by a bunch of foreign carpet baggers, that avoid Australian tax. Even with the extra taxes they are getting a bargain and Australia is getting robbed. Trust News Corpse to back New York and the Cayman Islands. The owner surrendered his Oz citizenship and his soul. We will need the money to support the new coffee makers and delivery drivers that we are importing.

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