Stifel metals & mining analyst Cole McGill discusses how the boom in commodity prices is fueling a new wave of consolidation in the lithium sector, with large players such as Rio Tinto and Albermarle looking to make acquisitions.


    1. 👍.I've been quite unsure about investing in this current market and at the same time I feel it's the best time to get started on the market. i was at a seminar and the host spoke about making over $972,000 within 3 Months with a capital of $200,000. i will really appreciate any tips or helpful guide.

    2. Most of the millionaires in this industry started investing 4-5 years ago in 2017. A market correction right now to extremely low levels could be a blessing for those with patience.

    3. Tolles Video, ich bin so glücklich, dass ich produktive Entscheidungen über meine Finanzen getroffen habe, die mein Leben für immer verändert haben. Ich bin eine alleinerziehende Mutter aus Hamburg, die im Januar mein zweites Zuhause gekauft habe und hoffe, nächstes Jahr mit 50 in den Ruhestand zu gehen, wenn es mir weiterhin gut geht.

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