Iran & Russia signed an agreement to finance and build a railway to establish an international transport corridor linking the north and south. It comes on the heels of the Arab Summit in Saudi Arabia. A reflection of the new Geopolitical Order? A shift in the Global Economic Landscape & Order?

    Join me live today, May 20th at 1445 CST (1945, GMT) as I provide you with my brief analysis & insights into this topic while answering some of your pressing questions.


    1. Q: Bullies don no like facing the enemy alone.Imagine the world wherein Putin would say to China. "Go face America" then We Russia will "Face Americas Ellies"

    2. Hello Dr. O.' I have an apophony'. Imagine That the globalists want to embark on their Second US formation like "Project" . And they view Russia as the Next project to divide and concur to for The new 50 "United States of Russia" . Do you Think that is the goal?

    3. Do you know date extract has 10 x times more potassium than honey? In Turkey, there is a kind of honey that causes insanity because the bees get the honey from certain plants that contain the wrong molecules.

    4. Hello Mr. O

      I think "MBS" has cemented himself in the "The greater Books of History". He May be the smartest diplomat of the this century. The fact that not many understand him is a compliment to him.
      Someone should sit down with him in try to understand what his vision of the world is for not doing so will be a big mistake.
      1. BRICS
      2. Iran rapprochement
      3.Trade in alternative Currencies
      4. OPEC+ Trade/value/output Manipulations
      5. Possible Future trade with China
      6. Yemen Negotiations
      7. leading the Rebuilding of the Arab League Through Syria
      Note : Yet he has not even set his foot abroad. This Guy needs to be Understood.


    5. You mentioned the connection to the Baltic Sea but until now didn’t really understand how important this Railway route will be to Russian, Middle Eastern, Eurasian, and Chinese commerce because…

      It connects to Russia's “Unified Deep Water System of European Russia” which “…is a system of inland waterways in Russia linking the White Sea, the Baltic Sea, the Volga River, Moscow, the Caspian Sea and—via the Sea of Azov—the Black Sea.”

      It’s pretty incredible and I don’t ever recall studying it in high school or college.

      What is not mentioned is that the connection into the WHITE SEA takes shipping into Russia's Northern passage through the Arctic, Eastern Russian ports, rail connections, Northern Pacific and even down into China is needed.

    6. Thank you for your analysis . It is very helpful to understand the complicated politics of the Middle East. I just wanted to make a correction on the map you showed for new rail road. In this map Persian Gulf is referred to as Arabian Gulf. This need to be corrected.

    7. So the British was the trouble maker in the Middle East. And today it is the trouble in Ukraine. They have never change.

    8. I remember reading somewhere about USA wanting to use Nukes in the 1950's to give Israel a superior suez canal. I wish I was making that up lol

    9. The Mafia Conclave a.k.a. G7, pledges $20 billion to Ukraine.

      "The Group of 7 evonomic powers agreed on Friday to provide nearly $20 billion to support Ukraine's economy over the coming months to help keep the country's government running."
      ~ Alan Rapperport
      May 20, 2023

    10. I agree, I think India is the weak link for BRICS. India will become a super power, but she shouldn’t be too impatient to be a super power now as she doesn’t have enough trump cards. It takes time to gain strategic advantages. However, I also believe China and Russia know this. And they are relying on Russia’s cheaper oil to rein in on India. Still, making public of India-Russia currency issue is not good optics. I wonder who made it public….

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