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    Crypto Currency Banned In Pakistan? Waqar Zaka exclusive Interview with PNN News

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    1. All the things he talks about has a lot of meaning making crypto legal in pakistan and launching our own exchange through Tenup will be very profitable for pakistan and we are sure that waqar zaka will make sure crypto gets legalised more power to him.

    2. waqar zaka sirf order deta hay kisi ki bheeg nahi mangta log is ki suntay imran khan jese nhi jo logo ki sunny or pesa kha k baaghy

    3. I find it fascinating how crypto prices can fluctuate so drastically in such a short amount of time. It's a testament to the volatility of the market and the unpredictability of investor sentiment. However, I believe that these fluctuations are simply part of the journey towards mainstream adoption and eventual stabilization. Despite the risks, I remain bullish on the potential of cryptocurrencies to disrupt traditional finance and usher in a new era of decentralized transactions. Recent volatility makes it impossible to predict bullish or bearish trends, and trading success depends on the pattern and signal source. Kerrie Farrell tactics have helped me increase my portfolio by six figures in just a few weeks, and her daily trades provide valuable information beyond just advice..

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