What Andy Schectman Reveals About the Gold & Silver Market Will Shock You!

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    Special Thanks To Andy Schectman:
    Andy Schectman has been a prominent figure in the financial services industry for more than 25 years, during which he has served as President and owner of Miles Franklin, Precious Metals.
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    DISCLAIMER: It’s important to note that I am not a financial adviser and you should research stocks to invest in. These are just some of the viewpoints, by no means would I recommend watching one YouTube video and immediately buying that stock. This video was made for educational and entertainment purposes only. Consult your financial adviser.

    πŸŽ₯ We own commercial licenses for all the content used in this video except parts about the topic that have been used under fair use. For any concerns or business inquiries don’t hesitate to contact us via email in the β€œAbout” section of the channel.


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    2. I believe that BRICS+ countries will fight to make precious metals and all metals the new world's money. These real assets will regulate the trading systems of the world and will give each a better value to their economies…

    3. you guys talking about the collapse of dollar it is true hundred and ten percent but you guys are not aware of bigger event than any thing else that is the great war you christians and jews call it armagadon we muslims call it malhama the great war is around the corner islamic eschatology has a lot to say for you but who listens ?

    4. <.Always good to hear your thoughtful and logical analysis. I don't care about bullish or bearish market. Trade a small percentage of your portfolio rather than going in and out every couple weeks trying to time the market πŸ‘Œ trading went smooth for me as I was able to raise over 9.4 BTC when I started at 1.8 BTC in just few weeks implementing Colson Delcan’s daily trading signals and tips

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