Did China actually release its crypto ban? Around the Blockchain is your place for deep discussions on Crypto, Bitcoin and the evolution of money. Today’s guests include Crypto Crow, Evan Aldo, and. Crypto Blood.

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    Crypto Blood:




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    1. Most charities are scams. China especially and places like India has a culture of scamming that's celebrated. To them it's seen as you being more clever than the person you're ripping off, and they see it as "good on you for being clever for generating income". I personally wouldn't donate anything unless there's proof of diagnosis and proof that my payment goes directly to said bill or expense and nothing else, which could be done on blockchain with smart contracts

    2. I'll never buy Ben coin. How it go from almost 300% to 37.8% Feel bad for the people that got robbed. Tokenomics are bad asf too.

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