Hyperinflation is definitely happening now that the debt ceiling has no limit. In today’s episode we discuss Bitcoin, Crypto and Altcoin news.

    APEX Self Custody DEX: https://bitboycrypto.com/deal/apex

    Learn More About Bitcoin – https://bitlabacademy.com/

    Buy Bitcoin – https://bitboycrypto.com/deal/bitget


    All of our videos are strictly personal opinions. Please make sure to do your own research. Never take one person’s opinion for financial guidance. There are multiple strategies and not all strategies fit all people. Our videos ARE NOT financial advice. Digital Assets are highly volatile and carry a considerable amount of risk. Only use exchanges for trading digital assets. Never keep your entire portfolio on an exchange.

    #bitcoin #ethereum #crypto #news #nft #economy #money #blockchain #invest #inflation #cardano #cryptocurrency


    1. The world of cryptocurrencies is a captivating and volatile one, where prices can fluctuate dramatically in a short time. Altcoins often experience even higher levels of volatility compared to BTC. While recent market movements painted the majority of cryptocurrencies green, larger-cap coins struggled to make significant gains. Surprisingly, I discovered that it's possible to navigate these changes while maintaining consistent trading levels. Thanks to Silvia Macido invaluable guidance and methodology, I earned nearly 18 BTC in just two weeks. Her insights have transformed my perspective on investments, showing me the immense potential of cryptocurrencies beyond stocks and real estate. With SILVIA expertise and my dedication, I confidently navigate this volatile market, embracing the journey towards mainstream adoption and eventual stability.

    2. Yes Deezy it accrued fees and burned them instead. This is directly from the tweet..

      "…When the new pairs exist with the new logic, everyone can move over to them if they wish, or they can stay where they are, earning no fees, but giving more to the buy and burn."

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