Ukraine Behind Nord Stream Sabotage, US Knew Months Before? | Vantage on Firstpost

    US media reports claim the CIA knew about a Ukrainian plot to blow up the Nord Stream pipelines, three months before the actual attack happened.

    This comes after many theories pinning the blame on Russia started doing the rounds. Will western attitude to Ukraine change if its role is proven? Did Zelensky sanction the pipeline blasts?

    Most importantly, what impact will this revelation have on the unity of the Western alliance backing war-torn Ukraine?

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    1. Biden did it. Scared shitles now ukranians have to pay. This is western friends to ukraine. They are there to "HELP". Ukraine is lost forever. Wiped from the map.

    2. It's a war why cant attack those who attack them. If Ukraine had anything to do with Nordstream they didn't do it alone.

    3. Or maybe… this was a false flag self sabotage by Russia to immediately cut the normal flow to Germany, thereby creating a desperate market, which, in turn Putin could coerce his buyers into paying for tanker shipments with Rubles which he was needing so badly and unable to get, and simultaneously score a propaganda headline. Logically, why would Ukraine sabatoge Germany their Alliance partner?

    4. I wouldn't blame them if they did it but it sounds like bs to me. Sounds like someone is deflecting blame.
      Who had the capability?

    5. Hahaha, now is the time for the U.S and NATO to blame the Eukraine for the Nord Stream. the U.S themselves said it months before, not Eukraine.
      Eukraine is about to be $hit on, from a great height.

    6. What nonsense are you spouting, Ukraine do not have capabilities to do such thing only US have the capabilities, PLEASE DO NOT REPORT UNVERIFIED NEWS, this is very low low of Vantage!!!

    7. How Ridiculous of an accusation, That Russia actually blew up there own pipeline. Just as ridiculous as Russia blowing up there own Dam putting there Nuclear Power plant in jeopardy of a meltdown

    8. Ukraine and Russia at war what do you think what happened.. Germany's fault for lining with communist… It's America's fault for lining with communist… Anybody dealing with Russia or China it is their fault

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