There have been numerous clues and finger-pointing in the most recent revelations over the past eight months since the most recent stream gas pipeline blast, and the mystery has not yet been solved. German investigators have now discovered a Polish connection to the underwater explosion on September 26, 2018, a series of deep sea explosions at the bottom of the Baltic Sea, and the north stream gas pipelines months after the covert bombings.

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    1. GOD bless Russia,Glory to Russia in jesus mighty name Amen,the cause and foundations of the war is Italy and France Paris and,America,Napolitano,Napoli,Taranto,Torino,sardinia,Rome………..

    2. 0:35 "frantic ongoing investigations" i know this is news and therefor not to be taken seriously, still as a german i can assure you nothing about germans mentality is frantic and i highly doubt that the investigators are.

    3. I could have overlooked the involvement of ukrainian personal as they could have easily been FSB.

      That another ally and the USA allegedly knew about the sabotage and did not tell germany, that is troubling though.

      That they didn't i would assume would result of the sabotage attack taking place, otherwise one would need to think that the german government let it happen.

      Shortly before this, there was talk about concern of US military and policy advisors about the resolve within germans and europeans population overall on CNN. Which i did not see that way, but hey US paranoia isn't something new or uncommon.

    4. Probably the same group that caused 911 and the same group that released covid. Same group who owns all the industries the same mysterious people πŸ˜‚

    5. Could it be that Russia did this sabotage then informed their agents in the West to muddle the situation?
      The "Old Lada", Simon Hersch, and others are filling a Russian playbook.
      Slava Ukraina.

    6. Never ending Western lies you mean what mystery? Biden vowed to blow it up on camera, media lied , now they are caught with pants down.Same with blowing dam.Attacking nuke plants.Desperate liars.

    7. Now, the western started create scapegoat stories even against their own allies. An ancient man from the east used to say "There is no honor among thieves". They must think that the President of the Russian Federation is as stupid as they are. He already knew from day one who destroyed the Nord Stream gas pipelines, those the same groups of idiots that send weapons to Ukraine to kill Russian citizens will pay for the whole thing. They just keep talking about "geopolitical" thing, those chicken words will come home to the roost.πŸ™‚

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