why to not buy dogecoin #dogecoin #doge #crypto #tokens


    1. Hey I agree with you, and I believe everything you said makes sense because I think about it the same way. People are in fact waiting to sell at a profit, or at least make their money back. However, the market cycle is a real thing that you can look at. Now in the short term everyone is fkd. But next year or the year after or the year after this coin, along all others, are going to see all-time highs. Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Eth and others aren't going anywhere my man. It just all depends on how long are you willing to wait. There will be another hype, and believe it or not, even those that said "I won't fk with Dogecoin again" will jump back in lol.
      Good video though. You're a smart man for sure.

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