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    1. Only Wixpool offers good returns from investments in DEX platforms on reliable networks like Bitcoin. And I dont see the point of working with risky assets…

    2. I dont understand why people watch all these Fibonacci levels and stress themselves out with trading when they can just deposit coins in reliable projects like Wixpool!

    3. I've been around for more than 1/2 century and I have seen my share of stock market contractions. Saw the birth of video gaming, and the birth of the internet, to name a few. Now, I get to witness the birth of blockchain and Crypto, and I can personally attest that Crypto is a completely different beast from the US stock market. 100% agree that there should be a guarded approach to crypto investing. You may not win hearts and minds of everyone, but you have and are earning respect for telling the truth and trying to help others to look out for themselves. I'm super picky who I listen too for crypto analysis.. I have made over 23` btc from day trading with Linda Wilburn strategy Signal in few weeks, this is one of the best medium to backup your assets incase it goes bearish.

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