Secrecy is one of the most attractive reasons to invest in gold and silver. However it opens the door for bad information. Bad investment decisions based on bad information then leads many to consider gold and silver bad investments. CPM Group’s Jeffrey Christian discusses some of the ways bad information is used by some marketing groups to part investors from their money as well as why investors fall for bad information. He also gives some examples of how investors have used good information to achieve incredible wealth through precious metals markets.

    #gold #silver #economy #investing


    1. Are you a believer in the dollar? Because it seems to consistently lose purchasing power over the years. Maybe you should question your assumptions.
      Thanks for your short term sell alert. Please continue shorting so I can afford to buy a few silver medallions.
      Continue fighting the strawman and gaslighting the promoters.

    2. I really appreciate the update we are getting from you on crypto, As am new to trading How can I make more profitable investment in the market now.

    3. Jeff ,, Why does the Comex allow contracts for Gold and Siver to be shorted in quantities far above the physical meatal that exists. Seems like a great platform for price manipulation ! Hum ?

    4. The CPM Group is the Corrupt Precious Metals Group. Jeffery says "That's what it does, because its a market" Yes, but what is a market? Markets are manipulated with Alan Greenspan and his corrupt pals software, since the 1970's. Yes and it is a truly monstrous conspiracy between 8 major banks who are constantly shorting the markets together with CPM, Comex and the LBMA etc.They have also oversold gold and silver with "paper gold and paper silver" meaning the punter who buys the paper certificate thinks his metal is stored in a vault for safe keeping but the metal is not in the vault. Paper owners can still get their metal but they have to wait around six months and it will be too late when the SHTF.

      The world wide currencies collapse is going to happen in September through October this year. This is when the herd will be forced to wake up and the stampede for safety into gold and silver bullion will send the price of gold and silver especially, to new dizzy high values never seen before in history. The rise will continue through at least until mid 2024.

    5. The paper/derivative/naked short/garbage markets controlled by the criminal/corrupt/evil animals IS COLAPSING as you speak & many of these banksters/hedge funds, government parasites & 3 letter agencies WILL BE EXPOSED

    6. I wouldn't call investors pissed off thinking they were getting leveraged exposure to gold price through miners only to find out they had hedged, a witch hunt.

      The flip side is gold price manipulated down while diesel and other costs soar, raising bankruptcy fears and leading to selling unhedged mining shares at a loss.

      I've given up on miners. Only physical for me.

    7. Jeffrey……tell us how the paper shufflers move 1mil ounces of Silver a day when the miners only produced 800k ounces a year..

      You talk like fiat is money and Gold is not..

      Every time the Banks roll out a stooge to create FUD…..

    8. What you just explained is that everyone wants something for nothing. Most people would rather not have to actually go out and work for a living they would rather steal someone else's labor.

    9. The stock market has always been the biggest fear porn sellers (e.g crisis,recession)so totally disagree with everything within this presentation. Only people trading with naked short positions would agree with you everyone else is just dealing with the aftermath of the irresponsible lending which fronts the ability to trade these naked short positions. People and markets should trade only with what they have then a fair trade price would become quickly apparent. The haves and the have nots.

    10. Can Jeff explain the the deficiet of Silver in the World – More and more silver consumed and less or the same being produced – How could this not result in price increase ? Silver not recycled since it is too cheap – How much longer can this continue ? Or are the numbers wrong ? The numbers that I have seen, says silver is deeply undervalued and getting worse

    11. Please get Jeff to explain all the Naked shorting of PM way beyond the limits allowed on Comex ! What is going on ? Is this all paper ? Physical metal now being taken off market – Can mining industry keep up ? Is there more PM on earth than we know ? Shortages look immenent to me – Price must rise – Where is Jeff at ? Great story but where are we today ?

    12. Is he a globalist? Then why do all the big banks own tons of gold and silver? Because it’s value far outweighs any other investment vehicle

    13. Let's ALSO talk about secrets which came out: "JPMorgan to pay $920 million for manipulating precious metals, treasury market"" (news Reuters in 2020) And JPMorgan
      still has it's Banking llicence. Jeffrey if/when you talk about "secrets": then ALSO mention the giant fines that are paid for manipulation of the precious metals markets!

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