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    DISCLAIMER: This is not financial advice! This is an entertainment and opinion-based show. I am not a financial adviser. Please only invest what you can afford to lose, and we encourage you to do your own research before investing. DYOR


    1. This $WNP Token needs to be claimed. I know it's strange and not expected at this channel but you can understand this within minutes and then you also know why all the likes go towards it

    2. in my perfect dream Winp Token is something everyone is aware of. I don't want those who have so much already to get more and more, it's a sad planet this way. Imagine how 5% have more than 50% of everything? This one will change it and that's why I share this dream with you, thanks for listening, keep strong and don't give up guys

    3. So in case you skipped Winp Token it's probably the last thing which can fix stuff now for good. Nothing to ignore even when it looks spammy as fk

    4. While Gensler is the SEC bobo a Bitcoin spot ETF will not happen, in my opinion.
      Gensler is 100& against all crypto.
      We need a juge to kick him back, or the US Government to kick him out.

    5. Nothing outperforms RockStar $WNP Token that has a long future and actual purpose and value. Tell me any other project which comes even close?

    6. Found happiness back because Winp Token is leading a way where it's actually possible to be happy even after all we had in the recent years. I want to share it that's why it's here now

    7. Bitcoin is absolutely the Wild West of finance, and thank goodness. It represents a whole legion of adventurers and entrepreneurs, of risk takers, inventors, and problem solvers. It is the frontier. Huge amounts of wealth will be created and preserved as this new landscape is mapped out. While the train goes be a part of it by starting with a little capital. I Started with a small capital under the supervision of Alex Coleman and I got profit within 7days.

    8. Bro it’s bit scary as if you are reading my mind , have exactly same opinion on this topic ETF , BlackRock … . As if I am listening to myself in this video

    9. as always, Elio nails it. Great information and incredible delivery. You are killing it with REAL information and your informed Opinion

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