These are ten most promising alternative energy sources of tomorrow.

    It’s a really exciting time to be alive. We have a front row seat to the only known transformation of a world powered by dirty fossil fuels, to a planet that gets its energy from renewable, clean sources. It’s happening just once, right now.

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    10. Space-based solar power
    9. Human Power
    8. Tidal Power
    7. Hydrogen (fuel cells)
    6. Geothermal heat from underground lava beds
    5. Nuclear Waste
    4. Solar windows
    3. Bio-fuels (algae)

    Alabama Gets First-In-World Carbon-Negative Algae Biofuel
    2. Flying wind farms
    1. Nuclear fusion

    10 Key Facts About Nuclear Fusion

    This video profiles the alternative energy sources of the future and the areas of energy development.

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    1. Even 7 years ago it shouldve been well known that solar power and fusion for that matter is ancient technology. Nothing we do competes with the efficiency of using plants to convert solar energy in to life force, and nothing we can conceive of competes with the fusion power coming out of stars. Even if we could create a fusion reactor, it almost certainly would be archaic in comparison to the sun, and only religious scientists are naive enough to presume that the sun just magically appeared with no design or creation required. We arent developing futuristic technology, we are developing methods of extracting energy for our own selfish purposes, and there is nothing futuristic about a society with no productive future.

    2. Drill baby drill! BTW you lose all credibility when you repeatedly refer to “renewable” energy. Maybe try learning the 2nd law of thermodynamics before making a stupid activist YouTube video.

    3. Should we be surprised, 8 years later, that buoyant wind turbines are not a thing yet, while offshore tower based wind farms are being built everywhere? A big balloon would not be able to stay put in the winds

    4. This Video is completely and utterly stupid and here's why

      1. Space-based solar power

      It has no realistic potential currently as its firmly in the realm of science fiction.

      (I’m having a hard time taking this video seriously This idea is not only impossible to build but it would cook the earth.)

      2. Human Power

      The only real application is powering small electronics in off-grid survival situations. Another stupid idea.

      3. Tidal Power

      Driving a turbine with tidal forces has been done in real life and the concept has proved that it can be done. Unfortunately compared to wind power which has achieved scale and happens to be economically viable, tidal power has no future since it can’t compete.

      4. Hydrogen

      It’s a pipe dream currently as hydrogen costs in the range of 15-60 $/kg. Also, the way to produce hydrogen right now is by cracking natural gas (expensive and inefficient). Hydrolysis can’t even compare to cracking there will never be 1$/kg hydrogen.

      5. Geothermal

      Viable Renewable power generation assuming you are in a region were drilling to the geothermal areas isn’t prohibitively expensive.

      6. Nuclear

      A proven zero emission power option. The reactor type in this video doesn’t seem to have caught on so I guess it didn’t have much promise after all.

      7. Solar concentration

      Not economically viable compared to solar panels which are cheap. This technology was not viable 10 years, ago even when solar panels were far more expensive

      8. Flying wind farms

      Another science fiction idea that isn’t proven to even work.

      9. Biofuels

      The best example of the oil companies' greenwashing. Turning crops into energy will never make sense

      10. Fusion

      It’s been Perpetually 30 years away since the 50s.

    5. Power satelites should be ranked higher, they produce more electricity on earth with less waste heat than any heat-based source of electricity, including fusion. 🙂

    6. It's good if we have things for future,for scientists would help us create the existence of labouring force and there is no further development of capitalism,it becomes antagonist with environment,existence of laboring force and majority of people

    7. Fusion will always belong to the big corporations, but algae farms have the potential to create new millionaires; just about anybody can do it in their own backyards.

    8. Fusion does produce low level radioactive waste, unlikely that laser fusion can be used to produce energy for the grid as the reaction only lasts for 11 billionths of a second, the logistics are just to difficult, likewise for magnetic confinement fusion, I think some combination of test tube, muon catalyst fusion & sonofusion will be best, you left out, reversed electrodialysis, magnetodynamics, thermoelectrics, bacteria batteries, liquid thorium fission, the snapper, using temperature differentials in the oceans, powered iron, & probably hundreds more I've never heard of, but above all these is enhanced conductors, that hopefully will be the result of the materials genome project & its like, that would make dynamos & motors of much greater efficiency.

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