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    DISCLAIMER: This is not financial advice! This is an entertainment and opinion-based show. I am not a financial adviser. Please only invest what you can afford to lose, and we encourage you to do your own research before investing. DYOR


    1. Thank you for the explanation on the legal issues facing our crypto community today. I tried to follow the headline news but Ellio made it really clear and concise. Thank you so much for that.

    2. The SEC clearly doesn't care about protecting consumers(just ask Garys mate sbf) and they clearly don't care about wasting taxpayers money on nonsense cases. Yet another government entity that has been weaponised against the public by this administration

    3. It's quite clear once the ETF is approved the SEC will not have any issues. This isn't dirty attack by the powers that want more BTC

    4. Coinbase has good sound reasons for dismissal but it doesn't matter the Democrat's Have Spent the Last 4 Years Packing The Courts With Crazy Radical Left Wing Judges

    5. I am impressed with the USA system! It seems very capable of picking up and locating sytemic problems and having them dealt with… (albeit a time consuming process).
      I wonder how long Gensler will get away with it for.

    6. It's very interesting right now, we have a rogue SEC that is trying to take over the control of Congress all the while we have a rogue White House doing the exact same thing! How many parts of the same government can try to over run the powers of our three party system before the courts force them to realize that is never going to be allowed to happen?!!!

    7. I feel one Of the greatest challenges that we first timers face in the ma rket is that we end up losing all we have,making it difficult to find ourselves back to our feet. My biggest advice is to always seek the services of a professional just like I did when I ventured into it for the first time. Big thanks to Mrs Ann Elizabeth Messe. I now make huge profits by weekly through her services while still learning to stand on my own.

    8. Anyway since the US as an company ID in the lawyers book why the fuck it can decide what is a security and what is a commodity 😂. Ots just a freaking company at the end of the day 😂

    9. The SEC can not approve a Spot ETF for an asset that was created under a Fake name by an anonymous person or persons of UNKNOWN origin to be traded on the Nasdaq.
      Whales+Unknown Creators+Unknown Origin
      = Absurd Price Manipulation 🚨

    10. My take is that Gary is not there to kill crypto and he knows he is not able to…..since most of the rest of the world have already moved on to making it work for their jurisdiction. He is there to delay the rise of crypto prices, so that the banks that pulls his strings have gotten on the boat…..then his job is done, and his pockets are lined. Subsequnetly, the crypto asset class will rise to all time highs and beyond…….by then, the banks will still be the biggest winners. Fill your bags during the FUD. You shall be rewarded handsomely (Not financial advise. DYOR)

    11. I can't wait for the rest of this excess liquidity that's been put into the system over the past 15 years finally gets drained out of crypto. It will be sobering for a lot of people.

    12. Agree. But I am troubled by Congress. Both my NM Senators (Lujan and Heinrich) are sponsors of the RESTRICT Act which seeks to stop folks using VPNs to access software applications they cannot access in the States among other things, with egregious penalties. When I write to them in opposition I get form letters that talk about protecting kids from stuff including "misinformation". We have seen attempts during the Covid times to prevent "misinformation", some of which has turned out to be "information". Who decides what is "misinformation"? I do not like it.

    13. I really appreciate the dedication in each video you post, I learn a lot watching your videos and it has been helpful to me Building a steady income is quite difficult for newbies.. Thanks to Mrs. Catherine Gauthier for improving my portfolio. keep up with the good videos,Great content and i thank you for breaking it down!!

    14. U seriously taking jay clayton,who on his last day sued ripple??? And had hinman gate corruption on his watch?? And now hes trying to help the industry whilst seeking the highest salary snakish behaviour!!

    15. Rumor abounds that Ripple is/was seen as competitor for FedNow, that is why legal case could have been dragged on, until the delivery of FedNow (various phases)

    16. This administration is putting so many families into difficult situations A lot of people are financially struggling to live , keep a roof over their heads and put food on the table , Anyone who is not investing now is missing a tremendous opportunity imagine I invested $1000 with a lady you recommended some time ago and got profits of $4,380. Thanks so much Mrs Elizabeth Wesley

    17. OMG ""This Universal Trend of having the ''Scruff Look "
      has been proven to be counter productive
      A man with a beard comes with baggage. He’s been accused of harboring bacteria and grossing out women and thinks that it makes him look more muscular.
      One study found that infrequent shaving of facial hair was linked with early deaths from all causes,most notably cardiovascular disease and less likely to be married,and
      had fewer orgasms.
      Having a clean shave exudes confidence. This look is considered to be a confident and trustworthy look. That is because your bearded look can alter your face structure, cover your acne or blemishes, but this look is an honest and open look. If you have a face structure to die for, just as well flaunt it! Sharp jawlines and flawless facial features should be flaunted and not covered up under facial hair. You can flaunt your natural features best in a clean-shaven look! It is a sign of confidence and honesty thus people are attracted to the clean shaven look. Psychologically, it symbolises self-confidence.
      You know the direct bearing a clean shave has on your personal morale. Compare the way you feel in making and important call or attending a special meeting when you are freshly shaved with the way you feel with a day s growth of stubble on your chin. There s all the difference in the world. It seems a trivial thing to have such an effect upon you, but for some psychological reason, it does have that effect and you know it.

    18. Gift usdt 2700 $$ & okx wallet Wallet
      12 word phrase:
      symbol scrap potato rapid amateur toast verify blind exile employ denial penalty

    19. The most important thing that should be on everyone's mind currently should be to invest in different sources of income that doesn't depend on the government. Especially with the current economic crisis around the word. This is still a good time to invest in various stocks, Gold, silver and digital currencies.

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