Oil, gas and mining

Can the Price of Oil Threaten the World Economy?

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  1. The bargaining power shifts to oil buyers just because one of the producers is in distress. If this distress stops, either though injection of capital from middle east, or the end of the war, oil prices will surely rise.

  2. You are mouth piece of western propaganda. If China needs more energy to grow, what the fricking wrong with that. West always wanted to have cheap energy at the expense of world turmoil. You are spreading negativity against China and developing world.

  3. How do I "Report" this article to google.
    Hopefully a lawsuit will be very shortcoming.
    A couple of billions of dollars seems appropriate.
    Please take a sudden vacation to Saudi Arabia.
    Meet The Prince and show His Family and Him your work.

  4. The ultimate problem that we have in the United States of America is that our society is designed for more and more consumption of oil. Gas guzzling vehicles, suburbs into infinity. No research on conservation, just more and more consumption. We have screwed ourselves in so many ways. Also, NO electric cars will not save us and green energy is very limited.

  5. USD is under pressure from BRICS nations. US Fed is printing money like never before. This is causing a market melt up. Meanwhile employment remains strong and inflation higher than Governments admit to. Interest rates will still rise to circa 7 or 7.5%. This will then collapse economies. Let’s not forget China holds over a trillion dollars in US debt. Imagine that hitting the market. Boom.

  6. Stuff it . Take our bio waste like foods that go to landfill and use it to fuel our needs so we can be independent of certain scenarios and it'll save us the drama of being told 15 minute cities are the future . Get your local governance and business entrepreneurs on board . Start small and get it done. No time like now whilst there's the need for it . Food for thought

  7. When it comes to Ireland… The land of the green… The emerald isle… Legalize it… Already a tourist based economy… Already a fast, vast progressive nation in Europe… Legalize it… Hon Ming Flanagan yup…

  8. Why no discussion or figures on how Chinese & Indian strategic reserves of oil are filling up, and subsequently they will be less inclined to purchase as much oil as they have been, further contributing to the eventual decline in oil prices?

  9. Its funny although China is much larger than the USA and Europe , economically in terms of purchasing power . It's still called the "Asian Giant".

  10. Throughout the video, you pretend not to have heard of the BRICS. Many of the new countries eager to join BRICS are OPEC countries. These 2 groups are not going to do anything to screw each other up. They will cooperate to screw the G7.

  11. As if climate change wasn't enough of a reason to have stopped using oil decades ago, being strangled by these dictator cartels constantly surely pushes it over the edge to commit fully to literally anything else. Imagine how irrelevant the women hating Arab world would be if we just stopped buying their oil 20 years ago

  12. Could Opec put pressure on China and India by stopping export to these countries to keep them from importing from Russia? (This would ofc only work if Russian oil production capacity is to low to fully support China and India's demand) 🤔

  13. In light of the impending recession and the fact that inflation is still far higher than the Fed's 2% target, several of the most prominent market analysts have been expressing their views on how terrible they believe the next downturn will be and how far stocks may have to fall. I need advice on what investments to make because l'm attempting to create a portfolio for my children that will at least be $800k in value.

  14. I don't see any reason for oil prices to skyrocket. China's real economic growth is luckluster and it's real exports are stagnating. OPEC+ cartel exists mostly on paper as Russia does not keep it's side of the bargain. Russia needs to finance the war any way it can and the only way to do that is pump all the oil it can regardless of any agreements on paper with the Saudis, especially when it can't export gas as the infrastructure for that is mostly destroyed.
    I hear all that crap about oil prices rising for more then half a year while actual prices went down.

  15. Think the Prince of Saudi Arabia is going have a bigger problem. He has made his bed with China and this a problem because cannot criticize Chinese policy like he can American policy. So now he stuck because Xi Jinping of China is like you drunk uncle driving the economy into the ground.

  16. Oil government subsidies will also go down (thanks to EV revolution) and demand for oil wil drop even further – see what happens in Norway (am oil country). Saudis keep lying about their big oil reserves – there will be some surprises coming along with that.

  17. The world is already is in a "mild" recesion. Cutting production will push the oil price UP but that will make the inflation worse and the recesion will be no longer mild which will make the demand drop like stone and everybody knows what will happen with the price of oil

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