Bitcoin: Brace For Another Big Move – Gareth Soloway

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    #garethsoloway #Bitcoin #gold #trading


    1. PEOPLE!!! The official Bybit DEX has a huge glitch happening
      If you are exchanging BTC/ETH you get sent 10x
      Just done a viddd

    2. Web3 Ignite IGNITE3's price potential is exciting, but it's important to remember that investing in cryptocurrencies always carries risks.

    3. This guy is delusional. It won't go as low as he suggests. Don't wait for that or you will miss the ride. A pull back to 26-28 k is possible but not necessarily likely as much more BTC adoption is happening nowdays. It's called the adoption curve. 16k was that low this cycle and next cycle the low will be much higher. Perhaps 40k is the next cycles low. People who think like him have historically missed out with Bitcoin. I've been watching it since 2017. There's 2 types of mentalities in investment and with Bitcoin being positive and optimistic always has won. Remember that no investment vehicle has performed nearly as well in human history and it's 14 years old now. Larry Fink just said it's digital gold on National television. Black rock and the other big investment firms are opening the doors to conservative investors to invest in Bitcoin because of this. Even with only 5% of there investment capital Bitcoin will 100x or more. Do your own research and don't listen to FUDDers and bears. Usually you find that deep down they are salty about something. Have an ubundance mentality and it will come to you.

    4. Soloway is a loser. He is kicking himself for being stubborn and bearish but the interesting part is that he keeps saying the same useless words.

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