
Solidity Tutorial for Beginners – Full Course in 16 Hours (2023)

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  1. Hi gentleman, which elements are required before Learn this solidity skill?? I mean i just brought a computer. i haven’t learnt any coding language yetπŸ€—

  2. when i type in yarn dev like he says, I get an error off the rip saying ~/Solidity-Todo-List-with-Nextjs-Tailwind-CSS-Template$ yarn dev

    yarn run v1.22.17

    error Command "dev" not found. What is up with this????

  3. I am attempting to connect my Infura account to Visual Studio Code (VSCode), but I keep receiving an "Unauthorized: please sign in with Infura account" error message. Additionally, the connection times out after a few minutes.

    I have already created an Infura account and a project, but I am unable to authorize my account in VSCode. Could you please advise me on how to resolve this issue?

    Kindly help!

  4. It appears that ethers code has updated since this video has been released am I the only one doing the hard work out here actually following this video code by code learning???? First off Im getting an error at his code at const provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(ethereum) it appears .providers isn't no more, next im getting an error when pressing the plus sign and Error: contract runner does not support sending transactions (operation="sendTransaction", code=UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION, version=6.3.0)

    can any help im trying to learn but im completly new to this?????

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