M.H. Carnegie & Co Founding Partner Mark Carnegie says the prevalence and popularity of cryptocurrencies and digital assets are “coming whether you like it or not”.


    1. The World is going back to Gold whether you like or not. Highest physical Gold purchases by central banks since 1967 and still increasing, Tier 1 monetary asset with no counterparty risk as declared by BIS ( Central bank of central banks) in 2019 and globally accept in any culture for last 5000 years, not Bitcoin or Fedcoin or CBDC or whatever
      Don't do what we do, do as we say.

    2. You have to cash out your crypto to cash to use it LOL once it was purely online I know I got given some way back when bitcoin was worth like $5 and traded them for some stupid online things (wish I had kept them) I thought they were stupid (and they now are) but back then it was just like a barter system never meant to be taken out as fiat purely trade online to avoid fiat.

    3. Satoshi Nakamoto have not created bitcoin for trading but for use it as decentralized trustless network to share value.

      Who is "investing" in btc is in fact not understanding what bitcoin is.

      Crypto must be used not traded.

      1 btc will always worth 1 btc.

    4. Who is trading bitcoin is the one who is ruining the bitcoin core idea, to be decentralized and to be used out of control of institutions.

      You all fail to the moon and back and is good that people lose the real cash on crypto.

      Crypro must be used not traded.

    5. The retards that are trading crypto is like they buy a home then rent it in deficitary profit while living in the streets themself.

      You are all on the deeply wrong path!

      Crypto is for using not for trading!

    6. The most of the crypto lovers are not cherishing Satoshi Nakamoto view but the old view of central banks that Satoshi Nakamoto vas willing to cut out of our privacy and life.

      Crypto is a better and non corruptable system to exchange value between people nit a tradable good only!

    7. When Dero hits triple figures I am taking my dogs and private jet and moving to Mexico, you's can have communist Australia all to yourselves. 😉

    8. The pseudo "expert" dude don't know not much about hard core crypto philosopy and technology!

      Keep listening to such fools and you will always lose your cash ;).

    9. First time of hearing the blockchain being compromised. Not sure this is accurate. The fraud has been all human not the underlying blockchain technology.

    10. Yes yes yes buy crypto urgently and become virtual rich. Unless if you don't see buyer in future 😂.
      10000 companies in Asia already waiting for buyers. So that they can dump new garbage coins. 😂😂

    11. US fed: Ok we will print digital currency
      China: we are already doing it.
      Russia: thank God we are safe from control regime.
      India: did we miss something 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
      EU: start printing lots of coins. 😂

    12. Not your keys not your Bitcoin.
      Hold your own keys.

      I can't believe the amount of people who still think Bitcoin is a scam, while trading their time for the real scam known as fiat currency

    13. I can't remember how many booms I slept through. Somehow my life is just fine. I don't appear to suffer FOMO, you probably need a facebook account to duffer that.

    14. By reading the comments I can tell 90% of people absolutely have no idea of what crypto is and what’s about to take place which is completely normal.
      Please please please educate your shelf’s we are about to have the biggest transfer of wealth in our history.
      ISO 20022.
      New financial system inbound 😢😢😢

    15. I used to think everybody went broke during the Great Depression and other major crashes but they didn't… Some made millions, I also thought everybody went out of business during these times but they didn't, some went into business, there's always depression/recession for some people and there's always a good time for others,it's all about perspective.

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