
I am Mining on Nicehash

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Ergo Address: 9fCyhudURbDSA2qi9k3sh1LgbHwyFwT6fck7wQW2YYWk9xR1miN
ETH Address: 0x8446b70aA05c811d7bF590e6EDE3d90C00391FcE
ETC Address: 0x8446b70aA05c811d7bF590e6EDE3d90C00391FcE
ZIL Address: zil135ajqdgf9mj6r50e8t28p98xvsss8ay7cppyx5

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  1. I've had my CPUs on Nicehack for a couple of days because whenever Zephyr pumps, people jump in and rent RandomX for way too much money which results in a decent payment for my CPU hash power.
    Basically I keep an eye on the payout estimates for a single 3900X. If it pumps to about 95C (AUD) it becomes worth it. When it drops below that I switch back to regular mining.

  2. last time i checked this only ran on windows. does it now ran on linux or on a low spec pc? i have the rigs 8mb ram with 250gb ssds . they ran windows 7 or 10 like sh1t . so i had to use hiveOS

  3. great video ive had a gamble on there was fun i wasnt expecting to win was just for a laugh its great if you want some harmless fun just dont take it seriously because your probs not going to win lol.

  4. Thank you for your honest opinion, not like other money digger aka influencers. I saw three of them pimping nichash now i know why. they are been pied to lies to there fallowers and show that nicehash is more profitable then any pool but the truth is its a lower to get you gambling.

    I have confronted red panda about it and told him you will till us nicehash is a winner before he done his test. I have asked him why are you doing this ? his reply was you don't know me I'm like that. I really have disrespect for him after that.

    I'm mining in Binance pool and today i hit my first PH/S with one XP down.

    Have you tried PEGA POOL ? they are having 0 fees until BTC hit 60K. I'm not really sure what the catch !

  5. I actually like the foreman. You can set a schedule for when the solar panels are generating enough power to cover the miners.

  6. I really appreciated this video!

    I'm a trader, and people call me a gambler, but I assure you I'm against gambling.

    Is it really gambling if I made my living this way fore years? Bear markets ate harder though so I do IT like SOAT. 😮

  7. Mark my words. When Team Mining goes pear shape, NiceHash will cover up their mistake with an excuse and miners will have their funds stuck in NiceHash. Learn from previous mistakes guys. Solo or Pool mine with self custody wallets, don't use NiceHash.

  8. Blablabla, dont say you care about gamblers getting rekt and then you joining NiceHash to get in on the profits that those gamblers provide. At the end of the day you are as greedy as everyone else. Lol you even have a nicehash refferal link now. Talk about double standards.

  9. This was a great video and quite honestly what I suspected since they first started doing the gambling. I have unsubed from most of these channels because it's become pretty clear now that we are in a bear market that most youtubers don't understand the chains they participate in. It's all about clicks and subs not content. Here's an idea how about instead of gambling, and talking back and fourth, how about digging into the weeds and trying to understand what these projects actually are and do. And then maybe Dan Keller will be able to learn something about the tech too, since he is always watching them

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